Sympathy from Australians for execution of a political prisoner in Iran

NCRI – Distinguished Australian writer and Barrister, Dr Jocelynne A. Scutt, expressed her sympathy to the family of Hojjat Zamani, a member of the People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran, who was executed in February.

In a letter to Mrs. Maryam Rajavi, President-elect of the National Council of Resistance of Iran, she wrote: "Many, many Australians support freedom and democracy for Iran. To this end, we have established an organisation ‘Australian Supporters of Democracy in Iran’ to support the foundation of a government in Iran which will allow all Iranians and people living in Iran to be free of impositions upon their thoughts, religious and political beliefs, and upon women and women’s rights."

She stressed "Many, many Australians deplore the circumstances currently existing in Iran, whereby persons whose desire is to ensure freedom of thought, religion and political belief are imprisoned."

"The imprisonment and death of Hojjat Zamani are events that would not have occurred in a world where freedom and democracy are truly honoured. My sympathy, and the sympathy of many Australians is with Hojjat Zamani’s family at this time and we would appreciate it if this could be conveyed to them," Dr. Scutt wrote.

The Australian writer ended her letter by saying: "I and many Australians, including the members of Australian Supporters of Democracy in Iran, look to a time when Iran is a free and democratic nation, where political prisoners do not exist and torture is no more. Our sympathies are with all Iranians in the struggle for a democratic Iran."

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