Swedish-Iranian communities protest in Stockholm against ongoing wave of executions in Iran


Call for bringing perpetrators of 1988 massacre to justice
NCRI – Members of Swedish-Iranian communities from all over Sweden, supporters of the National Council of Resistance of Iran, staged a protest rally in Stockholm on Saturday in solidarity with the victims of the recent wave of executions in Iran and political prisoners.

A large number of members of the Swedish-Iranian communities took part in the protest rally on Saturday, August 27.

The rally in Stockholm coincided with the anniversary of the massacre of political prisoners in the summer of 1988. An audio tape has been published for the first time of Hossein-Ali Montazeri, Khomeini’s former heir, shedding new light on the scope and pace of the 1988 massacre of at least 30,000 political prisoners, the overwhelming majority of who were activists of the main opposition People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI / MEK).

The executions were ordered by Death Committees appointed by Khomeini. Scores of the members of the Death Committees are cabinet ministers in the Rouhani government or currently hold other senior positions.
The Iranian authorities have executed dozens of people in the past few weeks. On 2nd August the regime mass executed 25 Sunni political prisoners in one day, prompting a condemnation by the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights. There is now evidence which shows that the victims had been tortured prior to their execution.

More than 2,600 people have been executed in Iran during Hassan Rouhani’s three-year tenure.

The protestors called on the UN Security Council to form an international court to prosecute those responsible for the 1988 massacre in Iran. Maryam Rajavi, the President-elect of National Council of Resistance of Iran (NCRI), on August 24 stressed that the time has come for the UN to adopt a resolution, condemning this crime. 

The protestors urged the Swedish government to categorically condemn the ongoing executions in Iran and act with its allies to call for an immediate halt to the executions and torture in Iran. They stressed that any improvement of relations with the Iranian regime should be preconditioned upon an improvement in human rights and a halt to executions in Iran.

The Stockholm rally was part of an international campaign to bring the perpetrators of the 1988 massacre before justice. Similar protests have been held in other major European cities including London, The Hague, and Oslo in August.


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