Suppression of Media and Free Expression in Iran

NCRI – Interview of Arabic Station of French 24 TV with Dr. Sanabargh Zahedi, Chair of Judicial Committee of the National Council of Resistance of Iran (NCRI) about the status of Media and Freedom of Expression in Iran
In his interview, the Chair of NCRI Judicial committee said that suppression of the media is a pillar of the Iranian regime and a foundation for its survival.

NCRI – Dr Zahedi, Chair of judicial committee of the National Council of Resistance of Iran (NCRI) in an interview with Arabic Station of French 24 TV on July 3, 2007 said that suppression of the media is a pillar of the Iranian regime and a foundation for its survival.
“This has been true since the inception of this regime. When Khomeini took power he was firm on ‘breaking the pens’. At the end of Rafsanjani era and beginning of Khatami’s reign,  Iran witnessed a wave of systematic political terrors where more than 100 intellectuals, cultural and media personalities were assassinated. This issue was widely covered internationally.” Dr. Zahedi said.

Chair of Judicial Committee of NCRI continued: “Today is July 3rd. 4 years ago on this day, Mrs. Maryam Rajavi who had been detained by the French police was released. In its front page, the Iranian financial daily “Asia Economics” published a report on Mrs. Rajavi’s release and printed her picture. As a result, the paper was closed and all of its personnel were detained.  Mr. Jamshidipour, the chief editor, spent 220 days in solitary confinement. This is a true picture of the media and freedom of expression in Iran”.

“No one can officially and legally own a satellite dish in Iran. You have probably heard about the Iranian regime’s unique expertise in jamming opposition TV and radio broadcasting signals.  As you are aware, the Iranian opposition groups launch satellite broadcasts into Iran. One example is “Simaye Azadi” which airs programs 24 hours a day. The Iranian regime has jammed this Tv’s broadcast hundreds of times. This is an illegal act according to international laws. The mullahs are clearly defying the law.” Dr. Zahdi added.

In response to a question about fundamentalism and propaganda by the mullahs’ regime, the Chair of Judicial Committee of NCRI responded: “Al-Alam Television and 11 Iranian radio stations are currently beaming programs into Iraq. All of them are part of the propaganda machine spreading Islamic fundamentalism into the region”.

“This is part of the regime’s strategy. The reason is that Iranian people are fed up by this regime. You could see this in students, women and labor uprisings. Therefore, the Iranian regime exports its crisis to conceal the dissatisfaction of its own people. This is the export of revolution they have been talking about since the inception of the clerical rule.” Dr. Zahedi said.

He elaborated: “Presently, Ahmadinejad is in power to press on with the original intentions of this regime. You could see this strategy in their training, funding and arming of the religious fundamentalists in Iraq. The Iranian Resistance revealed names  and details of 32,000 Iraqis in Iraq who are on the payroll of the Iranian regime with their current salaries. This means the regime’s strategy is exporting its ideology and expanding its foundations.”

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