Students prefer death to disgrace, demonstrators chant in Tehran

NCRI –  On the eve of Iran’s Student Day, December 7, demonstrations broke out in Tehran and a number of other major cities across Iran.

Some 4,000 angry students chanted, “Down with dictatorship” and “Students prefer death to disgrace.” Over 5,000 members of the suppressive forces surrounded Tehran University in an attempt to control the spread of protests.

NCRI – On the eve of Iran’s Student Day, December 7, demonstrations broke out in Tehran and a number of other major cities across Iran.

Some 4,000 angry students chanted, “Down with dictatorship” and “Students prefer death to disgrace.” Over 5,000 members of the suppressive forces surrounded Tehran University in an attempt to control the spread of protests.

The protests started this morning and continued until late afternoon.
According to information available, thousands of students angry with prevailing repression within the university broke the doors of the Faculty of Science during the clashes with the security forces.
On campus, students condemned new suppressive measures and the upcoming elections, chanting, “Down with tyranny,” “Down with dictatorship,” “free all political prisoners,” and “Freedom, equality, election boycott.”
Reports coming from Iran indicate that in the southern city of Kerman 500 students, in the central town of Shahr-e-Kord 400 students, in the southeastern city of Zahedan and southern city of Bandar-Abbas hundreds of students marked Iran’s Student Day with demonstrations.

A female student in the photo below holding a placard saying: "We are only asking for freedom."

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