Struan Stevenson: You’ve managed to Break Iran Regime’s Wall of Silence

Stevenson min

“You’ve managed to break the wall of silence that has engulfed Iran and the theocratic regime for the past 44 years. And by breaking that wall of silence, it has caused rage in Iran with the Mullahs,” said former MEP Struan Stevenson during an international conference in Paris on June 22, which was attended by several former world leaders. Mr. Stevenson, who moderated the event, expressed gratitude to the attendees and acknowledged the significance of the letter addressed to U.S. President Joe Biden, European Council President Charles Michel, UK Prime Minister Rishi Sunak, Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, and all 27 EU member state leaders, signed by 117 former world leaders, including several attendees. This letter supports the Iranian people’s uprising and the Ten-Point Plan by Mrs. Maryam Rajavi, the President-elect of the National Council of Resistance of Iran (NCRI).

The full text of Stevenson’s speech follows:

Good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen, and Madame Rajavi and your excellencies, the former world leaders who are with us today. You’re all most welcome, indeed. And thank you for the very warm welcome that we were all given when we arrived. Could I begin by thanking all of the people who have gathered here this afternoon most sincerely for signing the letter that was addressed to President Biden, to Charles Michel, to Rishi Sunak and Justin Trudeau, and of course, to all 27 leaders of the EU member state. The importance of that letter is highly significant because I think you’ve managed to break the wall of silence that has engulfed Iran and the theocratic regime for the past 44 years. And by breaking that wall of silence, it has caused rage in Iran with the Mullahs.

The mullahs had gone completely crazy when they heard of the masses of politicians, particularly the former world leaders who’ve signed this letter and who’ve signed statements of support supporting the right of the people of Iran to rise up against their tyrannical regime. Supporting Mrs. Rajavi and her ten-point plan to deliver peace, freedom, justice, democracy, human rights, and women’s rights to the beleaguered people of Iran.

But such was the fury, the rage of the mullahs when they heard of this international support that the telephones had been ringing. We heard that President Macron spent one and a half hours on a phone call to Ebrahim Raisi,  the Butcher of Tehran. How on earth can anyone spend one and a half hours speaking to the Butcher of Tehran? We also heard that pressure had been put on Anthony Blinken, the Secretary of State from the USA. We understand that he is negotiating, although they continue to deny it, that he is trying to negotiate on President Biden’s behalf to resurrect the zombie JCPOA, the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action nuclear deal, which surely has been dead and buried for years, since the unilateral withdrawal by President Trump in 2018. We know from intelligence sources that the JCPOA was used simply as cover by the mullahs to accelerate their nuclear program. They have been building nuclear weapons under the cover of the JCPOA. And we allowed that to happen because of the appeasement policy of the West. And now, as President Biden, with an election looming, tries to resurrect that zombie deal, he is busy appeasing the mullahs once again.

And I fully believe that he has pressured Albania to allow the horrific attack two days ago on Ashraf 3, unprovoked, unwarranted. More than a thousand police raided that camp using rubber batons, and pepper spray, injuring people and killing one of the Ashraf refugees. Many others ended up in a hospital in Tirana with respiratory problems caused by the pepper spray and tear gas. They have smashed cupboards, and they have taken away computers. And we know that this was a raid that was organized by the SPAC, the agency from Tirana, which is run by a puppet of the Americans. So I’m afraid that the Americans have their fingerprints all over this horrible illegal raid. And you can trace all of this right back to Tehran. It is the anger of the mullahs that have created this crisis. Last week, I chaired a meeting in the House of Commons, where I was proud to announce that 82 members of the 129 members of the Scottish Parliament had signed this statement of support for Mrs. Rajavi, for the NCRI, the MEK, and for the people’s uprising in Iran. And that was followed by absolute majorities doing the same thing in the Northern Ireland Assembly, the Senate in Wales, and in the House of Commons and the House of Lords.

And it has been emulated by parliaments around the world. We have 3500 MPs, senators, and leading politicians signing the statement of support. We have a majority in the US Congress in Italy, the Netherlands, Iceland, Norway, France, Slovenia, and many more countries.

And 117 former world leaders signed the letter that I referred to at the beginning of this session. And that included 52 former presidents, 54 former prime ministers, one former chancellor, two former presidents of the European Commission, three Nobel laureates, and Mike Pence even added his signature towards the end of last week.

So the support has been magnificent, and we thank all of you and particularly those of you who have come here today.

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