Struan Stevenson, “Dictators and Revolution- Iran, a Contemporary History” Book Launch at the UK Parliament 

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In a conference in the United Kingdom’s parliament on Wednesday, Mr. Struan Stevenson, a former Member of the European and Scotland’s parliaments, revealed his new book, “Dictators and Revolution- Iran, A Contemporary History.” The book, as evident by its title, sheds light on Iran’s contemporary history and how the Pahlavi dictatorship helped the ruling theocracy to hijack the 1979 anti-monarchic revolution. The book-revealing event was attended by several British lawmakers and members of the Iranian diaspora. 

In his remarks, Mr. Stevenson, now the Coordinator of the Campaign for Iran Change (CiC), underlined that the book explains the ominous, corrupted, and barbaric unity between the mullahs and the monarchial dictatorship, which has hindered generation after generation from realizing their democratic aspirations. He also referred to Shah’s son, Reza Pahlavi’s efforts to resuscitate the deposed monarchy and how he speaks of democracy while refusing to denounce his father’s crimes. He also referred to his support of the clerical regime’s Revolutionary Guards (IRGC) and how he has acknowledged his “bilateral contact” with the terrorist entity.  

“Iran is once again in a revolutionary situation. In times past, Iranians have been robbed of experiencing democracy and becoming a true republic of the people, for the people, and by the people, by various foreign interventions, coups, and monarchist and clerical machinations. This time around, a viable democratic alternative with no vestiges of the monarchy or the clergy has grown in opposition to both. A vision presented by Maryam Rajavi and her Ten Point Plan for the future of Iran, together with the international and domestic solidarity assembled by the National Council of Resistance of Iran (NCRI), heralds new hope that authoritarian outcomes can be averted, and a truly democratic republic can be realized,” the book reads in part.  

The foreword of Mr. Stevenson’s book is by Ambassador Lincoln Bloomfield Jr., Assistant Secretary of State-Political-Military-Affairs (2001-2005). “For not only does Stevenson distill the relevant facts surrounding the country’s most consequential political figures and civic challenges, but he illuminates the defining curse that for generations has thwarted the Iranian people’s democratic aspirations, namely the corrupt and brutal alliance, tacit or explicit, of Iran’s monarchists and clerics. It clearly needed illuminating, given the mulish reluctance of Western politicians and reporters to shoulder the duties imposed on them by an irredeemably malign global actor,” Ambassador Bloomfields’ foreword reads in part.  

Mr. Stevenson’s insightful book could be purchased on the Barnes and Noble website at the following link: DICTATORSHIP AND REVOLUTION: Iran – A Contemporary History by Struan Stevenson, Paperback | Barnes & Noble® (

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