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HomeIran News NowIran Opposition & ResistanceStatement on execution of Iranian political prisoner

Statement on execution of Iranian political prisoner

Statement by the Lord Maginnis of Drumglass

28 December 2010.
“The outrageous state murder of Ali Saremi by the Iranian mullahs’ regime in Iran is but one of thousands of Human Rights violations that have taken place over recent years.

“Now is the time when the voice of the People’s Mojahedin of Iran (PMOI), and also the MEK, must be listened to in the Western world. I call on our Foreign Office to condemn this outrage and to persuade the President Obama that the U.S. must implement the ruling of its own Courts that the PMOI be fully recognised as the democratic voice of Iran.

“It is imperative that the courage of NCRI leader Mrs Rajavi is recognised and that her fight for freedom from oppression for the ordinary citizens of Iran is given the international support it deserves.

“To fail to do so is to tolerate the mullahs’ crimes against humanity”.
Ken Maginnis.