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HomeIran News NowIran Opposition & ResistanceStatement of the Iranian-American Communities Across America Welcoming the Delisting of the...

Statement of the Iranian-American Communities Across America Welcoming the Delisting of the Main Iranian Opposition, the MEK

SAN FRANCISCO, Sept. 21, 2012 – Today, over twenty major Iranian-American organizations across the United States released a joint statement representing tens of thousands of Iranian Americans throughout the United States. They welcomed the decision by the Secretary of State Hillary Clinton for notifying the US Congress that she has removed the People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI) from the U.S.

list of Foreign Terrorist Organizations (FTO) under section 219 of the Immigration and Nationality Act (8 U.S.C. 1189). The PMOI should not have been put on the FTO list, and it is only fitting and just that Secretary Clinton took the PMOI off that list today.

“This action will liberate the largest peaceful, secular, pro-democratic Iranian dissident group from the constraints of U.S. sanctions law and it represents a significant step by the Obama Administration to promote a democratic and nuclear weapon-free Iran,” the statement said.
“While the delisting decision is a major step forward, significant work remains ahead.  Indeed, we look forward to working with the State Department, Members of Congress and the United Nations to ensure the safety of the former residents of Camp Ashraf in Iraq while a decision is made on their permanent relocation outside of that country,” the statement added.
Homeira Hesami, a former political prisoner in Iran and the president of the Iranian American Community of North Texas, welcomed the decision.  “The delisting of the MEK was long overdue; we thank Secretary Hillary Clinton for doing the right thing.” She added, “The removal of the MEK from the terrorist list will unshackle the movement in its efforts to bring change to Iran, will send a very strong message to the Iranian people that they can pursue their democratic aspirations, and serves notice to the ruling Ayatollahs that the days of blackmail and intimidation are over.”

Bahman Badiee, president of the Iranian American Society of Florida added, “The delisting should have occurred when the Persian Spring started in Iran in 2009; but it would, nevertheless, help revive another Persian Spring in Iran.”

“This is a victory for all those who endeavored for so many years,” said Kasra Nejat, the president of the Iranian American Cultural Association of Missouri. “The communities around the United States worked round the clock for more than a decade to help unchain the resistance for change in Iran.”

Nasser Sharif, the president of California Society for Democracy in Iran, said, “The Iranian regime spent millions of dollars and used terrorism and intimidation to maintain the MEK on the terrorist list, it eventually failed.”

Mr. Ross Amin of the Iranian American Community of Northern California said that “the delisting was in part due to the perseverance of Members of Congress and the courage shown by senior former U.S. officials. It also demonstrated Secretary Clinton’s sound judgment.”

These Iranian-American communities are now planning the largest anti-Ahmadinejad rally across from the UN on Wednesday, 26 September 2012, coinciding with Ahmadinejad’s speech at the UN General Assembly. The rally is also intended to express support for the MEK and its goals to unseat the clerical rulers of Iran and establishing a secular, democratic, pluralistic, and non-nuclear Iran.

As much as all freedom loving Iranians rejoice about MEK’s delisting, the murderous regime in Iran and its notorious lobby groups in the United States are disgraced as their poignant and expensive campaign to demonize Iran’s principle opposition dismally failed.

SOURCE Iranian-American Community of Northern California