Statement by HR Catherine Ashton on demonstrations in Iran

Source: EUROPEAN UNION. 11 February 2010
Catherine Ashton, High Representative of the Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy and Vice President of the Commission, issued the following statement today:

"On the anniversary of the Islamic revolution, which for many in Iran should symbolise progress in fundamental freedoms and rights, the European Union notes with great concern that a large number of Iranians have been prevented for expressing their views.


The EU is also concerned by reports that opposition leaders have been subjected to violence and intimidation and may have been arrested.

The scenes of violent repression today are part of a pattern over the past few months.

Violent crackdowns on those calling for the fundamental right to freedom of expression and assembly have cost the regime the trust of its own people, as well as that of the international community.

The determination shown by protestors on Iran's streets clearly demonstrates the strength of their desire for democracy, human rights and fundamental freedoms. The EU reiterates its support for them.

The choices this regime is making vis-à-vis its people and the international community are the wrong ones. No amount of inflated rhetoric can hide that. The regime is letting its own people down; and they deserve better."


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