Speech by Congressman Lacy Clay in massive gathering of Iranians in Paris

Text of speech by Congressman Lacy Clay in June 22 gathering of Iranians in Paris in support of the Iranian Resistance:

Madame Rajavi, leaders of the Iranian democracy movement, and my courageous friends, a few years ago constituents from the Persian-American community of St. Louis asked for my help.

They told me of Madame Rajavi and her brave supporters from around the world who were fighting to free their homeland and to defend innocent refugees.

They asked me to be one of their voices in Congress, to tell the world that the Iranian people do not support the religious dictators and terrorists who currently run their country. They also informed me of the terrible injustices suffered by innocent Iranians refugees first at Camp Ashraf and now at Camp Hurriya*.

You know, just a few days ago the camp was hit by about 20 rockets, killing three civilians and an attack in February killed six people and wounded dozens. The Iraqi government must immediately investigate these vicious attacks and use all possible measures to prevent future violence against these defenseless residents.

The U.S. holds the government of Iraq completely responsible for their safety and they must take immediate steps to remove them from danger. You know, the criminal regime in Tehran continues to constitute a direct threat to America’s national security and to the peace of the world. In the words of General Martin Dempsey, Chairman of the U.S. Joint Chiefs of Staff “Iran is a threat to U.S. national security in many ways. Not simply by their move towards a nuclear weapon, but by their active support of terrorism around the world.” .

You know, there is no doubt that the Iranian regime has become the main generator and instigator for instability in the Middle East and elsewhere. You can find Tehran’s violent fingerprints in Afghanistan, in Bahrain, in Iraq, in Yemen, in Lebanon, in Africa, in Asia, and South America. And most outrageously, you can find the result of Tehran’s brutal support of oppression in the blood of 90,000 innocent Syrians, civilians who have been killed by the criminal Assad regime which continues to enjoy Iran’s full support.

My friends, I know something about fighting oppression and the struggle for freedom. My family helped lead that effort in the United States, so I want you to understand today that I continue to stand with you as you demand an end to the regime’s brutal treatment of women, of dissidents, of religious minorities, and anyone else who dares to defy their dictatorship.

And I join my Congressional colleagues in support of House resolution 60, calling on the U.S. government to fully protect your loved ones, residing in Camp Hurriya. And Secretary of State Kerry recently said, “The United States remains committed to assisting the government of Iraq and the United Nations in implementing the December 25, 2011 agreement to quickly relocate residents of Camp Hurriya outside of Iraq. We must find a permanent and long-term solution that ensures their safety.” .

This month we know there was an election in Iran, but the election of a new president of the current regime changes nothing. We remain hopeful that change is possible, but let me be clear. The U.S. will not judge Iran by its recently less insightful words or by a kindly new face.

We will judge Iran by its actions and we will judge Iran by whether it ends its lethal support for the brutal Syrian regime and we will judge Iran by whether it ends its active support of terrorist organizations around the world. And we will judge Iran by whether it ends its vicious and violent repression of all political dissent.

My friends, I am proud to have supported your brave resistance movement and I will continue to stand shoulder to shoulder with you as you advance the fight for an Iran that is finally liberated from tyranny, extremism, and repression. May that be God’s will and may it come soon. Thank you all very much.


*Camp Hurriya or Camp Liberty houses some 3,000 Iranian opposition members and supporters of the People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI/MEK) living in Iraq since over two decades ago.


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