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HomeIran News NowIran Opposition & ResistanceSpanish Senator: Support Iranian Resistance to return Iran to freedom and democracy

Spanish Senator: Support Iranian Resistance to return Iran to freedom and democracy


NCRI – The only way to remove Iran from the axis of evil and make it a free and democratic country is to support the Iranian Resistance, Spanish Senator José María Chiquillo has told a conference in Paris.

And the West must not ally with the Iranian regime in the fight against Islamic State terrorists because Iran is ‘part of the problem’, Mr Chiquillo, foreign affairs Spokesman for the ruling Spanish People’s Party, said.

He also pledged his country’s backing for Iranian dissidents in Camp Liberty, telling delegates: “We are very worried with this regime of terror and the constant violations of human rights in Iran by a tyrannical government that hurts the dignity, day after day, of the residents of Camp Liberty.”

He said of the Iranian Resistance: “Many of my colleagues in Congress and the Senate have a great sympathy for this movement because it has the strength of the speech, of reason, and asks for justice and freedom for their people and want to break the chains that submit the citizens of Iran under a government that oppresses them and takes away from them the most cherished things: freedom and in many cases even life.

“That is why, when I hear that some governments want to ally with Iran against ISIS, I think it is really unwise, it is idiotic because Iran is part of the problem and certainly it will never help at all for the solution. Any alliance with this regime will make the situation more complicated.

“The current Iranian regime has always been the main focus of instability in the Middle East, and it wants now to export it all around the world. It is a radical country that wants to spread terror.

“More than 1,200 people have been hanged since the so-called ‘moderate’ Rouhani took office more than a year ago. Moderate? The fundamentalists, the radicals, the tyrants are never moderate. A tyrant is a tyrant if it kills one person or 2,000, and what we have to try by all our means is that there is no one single more innocent victim in Iran or any other country in the world, under any pretext.”

He also warned of the risks of appeasing Iran in the nuclear negotiations, noting that Rouhani admitted to ‘cheating and lying’ as chief negotiator in 2006.

He added: “Can we trust the current Iranian leaders? Recently, after seven years of negotiations in United Nations, in April 2013 the treaty for arms trade was voted. Who voted no to this treaty that wants to stop all armament deals with countries where human rights are not respected, innocents are killed and life and human dignity are despised? Who voted against, in the General Assembly in April 2013?

“Only three countries voted no to this opportunity for peace: North Korea, Syria and Iran. Three countries that form the axis of evil, against all humanity.

“So from any angle we see we face a regime –Iran and their friends, the axis of evil – that violates systematically human rights and that doesn’t respect any international principle or regulation.”

He told the conference: “We must send all the cases of abusing of human rights to the Security Council in United Nations. And Spain, who is right now in the Security Council do have a firm, strong and clear commitment with human rights, dignity and the right to life in every corner of the world. And I am here with those who came before me to speak to you, to help the Iranian people and their resistance leaded so well by Maryam Rajavi.

“To overthrow this evil dictatorship against the Iranian people. To bring freedom and democracy back to Iran. Here we all said a strong NO to fundamentalism, a strong NO to radicalism, a strong NO to fanaticism. And the antithesis of all these things is a clear commitment of YES to life, to freedom and democracy.

“Iran must get out of the axis of evil and has to be a democratic and free country, and the only way to guarantee that freedom, respect to human rights and dignity is to make people like you and Maryam Rajavi to take the lead, to make Iran respected and loved in the world.”