Sid Ahmad Ghozali: People of Iran will rid themselves of the hated mullahs’ regime

NCRI – Sid Ahmad Ghozali, Former Prime Minister of Algeria, spoke at the gathering of 50,000 Iranian in Paris, Saturday June 30, 2007.  Mr. Ghozali told the participants that we are certain of your victory despite numerous unjust obstacles arbitrarily placed against the Iranian people’s struggle to rid themselves of the hated mullahs’ regime.
Mr. Ghozali  criticized the European Council of Ministers decision on maintaining the Mojahedin of Iran (MEK/PMOI) on the EU terror list and he told "Europeans and the Americans that by hindering the abilities of the Iranian Resistance, not only do they weaken a legitimate movement , but they also act against their own interests".

Sid Ahmad Ghozali, Former Prime Minister of Algeria, spoke at the gathering of 50,000 Iranian in Paris, Saturday June 30, 2007.  Mr. Ghozali told the participants that we are certain of your victory despite numerous unjust obstacles arbitrarily placed against the Iranian people’s struggle to rid themselves of the hated mullahs’ regime.
Mr. Ghozali  criticized the European Council of Ministers decision on maintaining the Mojahedin of Iran (MEK/PMOI) on the EU terror list and he told "Europeans and the Americans that by hindering the abilities of the Iranian Resistance, not only do they weaken a legitimate movement , but they also act against their own interests".

Text of speech of Mr. Sid Ahmad Ghozali, Former Prime Minister of Algeria in gathering of 50,000 Iranian in Paris to support Mrs. Maryam Rajavi, President-elect of the National Council of Resistance (NCRI), June 30, 2007:

It is my privilege to once again speak to you, the noble representatives of the Iranian people in exile.

As we stand here before you, thousands of personalities, politicians, Parliamentarians, and jurists from the United States, Europe, Africa, and Asia would like to declare that they believe in your cause, and that they are certain of your victory despite numerous unjust obstacles arbitrarily placed against the Iranian people’s struggle to rid themselves of the hated mullahs’ regime. 

Concerning those obstacles, I would like to say the following: In this country, where the declaration of human and civil rights was established in the 18th century, on this land of asylum, four years ago, an infamous act was committed through a raid against the Iranian Resistance. I would like to tell the Europeans and the Americans that by hindering the abilities of the Iranian Resistance, not only do they weaken a legitimate movement, but they also act against their own interests.

The American administration is working against its own interests by handing Iraq over to the mullahs’ regime. And what are the Europeans left with when their governments do not respect their own laws? This is a mistake. The future will prove that they made a mistake. We shall continue to support the Iranian people until their final victory.

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