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HomeIran News NowIran Opposition & ResistanceSession at Italian Senate Calls out Iran’s Regime for Terrorism and Disinformation

Session at Italian Senate Calls out Iran’s Regime for Terrorism and Disinformation

italy rome conference october 19, 2023 (1)

On Thursday, October 19, a conference entitled “Iran: One Year after the Violent Uprising and the Regime’s Continued Dissemination of False Information” convened at the Italian Senate. Presided over by Senator Giulio Maria Terzi, Chair of the European Union Relations Committee in the Italian Senate, the session provided a platform for distinguished participants to share their invaluable insights.

Among the notable figures contributing to the discussion were Mrs. Ingrid Betancourt, a former Colombian presidential candidate; Mr. Emanuele Pozzolo, a member of the Italian Parliament’s Foreign Affairs Committee; Mrs. Elisabetta Zamparutti, a former parliamentarian and a co-founder of Hands Off Cain; and Mr. Antonio Stango, President of the Italian Federation for Human Rights.

During the session’s commencement, Senator Giulio Terzi announced that the 2023 Sakharov Prize would be awarded to Mahsa Amini, in honor of all Iranian women who have championed freedom. He highlighted that the recognition was made possible through the initiative of European Parliament representatives.

Senator Terzi went on to address the Iranian regime’s continued efforts to discredit the legitimacy of the Iranian resistance. He highlighted the regime’s machinery, responsible for spreading misinformation and propaganda, which has been used for years to suppress dissent and tarnish the image of Iran’s resistance, both domestically and abroad. This apparatus, despite having a military component, has aggressively targeted political opponents of the regime globally. Senator Terzi cited specific instances of attacks and assassinations against Iranian Resistance members in European cities.

He also emphasized the regime’s strategy of promoting misinformation and exerting influence in various parliaments, including the Italian Parliament, and its ability to deceive individuals through questionable information sources. Despite repeated legal victories and defamation case successes over the past 17 years, the shadow of false accusations continues to affect those who admire the extraordinary actions of the Mujahedin-e Khalq Organization (MEK/PMOI) and the National Council of Resistance of Iran (NCRI).

Mrs. Ingrid Betancourt, a former Colombian Senator and a former hostage, underscored the significance of discussing the Iranian regime and its implications on global conflicts. She emphasized that the regime plays a substantial role in advancing terrorism on an international scale, with a particular focus on the recent conflict in the Middle East.

Sharing her personal connection to the issue as a hostage being held by a group of terrorists for six years, Mrs. Betancourt explained how she became acquainted with the MEK. However, she also noted that the Iranian regime had spread misinformation and false accusations about the organization, labeling them as terrorists and communists.

Mrs. Betancourt then delved into the Iranian regime’s disinformation campaign and the “Iran Experts Initiative” that was paid by Tehran to misinform the public and governments by promoting the Iranian regime’s agendas and blaming the Iranian Resistance for serious accusations.

The former Colombian Senator stressed the importance of scrutinizing information and not falling for the disinformation campaigns orchestrated by Tehran. She also warned of a growing alliance of dictators around the world, which poses a significant threat to freedom, democracy, and human rights worldwide.

At this session, Mr. Emanuele Pozzolo, a member of the Italian Parliament’s Foreign Affairs Committee, highlighted the Iranian regime’s commitment to spreading false information against the MEK in Italy and Western countries. He emphasized that those currently in charge of Iran’s politics have an absolute and exclusive fear of the organization.

The Italian parliamentarian questioned why some individuals, particularly those who hold public office or have the responsibility to stay informed, fail to recognize the Iranian regime’s deception. He stressed the importance of acknowledging Iran’s role as the foremost state sponsor of terrorism and its attempts to exert influence over international terrorist groups, even Sunni extremists.

Mr. Pozzolo called on parliaments, including the European Parliament, to sound the alarm and stay vigilant regarding Iran’s intentions. It is vital for everyone to open their eyes to what Iran represents and proclaims today, Mr. Pozzolo stressed.

Mrs. Elisabetta Zamparutti, co-founder of Hands Off Cain, highlighted the historical challenges the MEK faced when it was classified as a terrorist organization.

Noting the successful removal of the MEK from various terrorism lists, Mrs. Zamparutti noted, emphasized the MEK’s embodiment of modernity and respect for human rights under the leadership of NCRI President-elect Mrs. Maryam Rajavi, whom she called a female leader who stands in contrast to the theocratic Iranian regime.

Mrs. Zamparutti expressed concerns about Tehran’s oppressive measures against its own citizens, exemplified by the alarming number of executions. She also called for initiatives to combat disinformation and promote a truthful perspective on the Iranian Resistance. She stressed the need for parliamentary discussions and debate on this matter as part of a peaceful search for truth.

In closing, she highlighted the Nobel Peace Prize awarded to Narges Mohammadi, an Iranian human rights activist, as a testament to a radically different approach compared to the Iranian regime’s ideologies. Mrs. Zamparutti expressed her firm belief that supporting the MEK and the NCRI is crucial for toppling the Iranian regime.

Mr. Antonio Stango, President of the Italian Federation for Human Rights, expressed concerns over the tendency of many democratic governments to fall into the trap of the Iranian regime’s misinformation. He recalled a pivotal moment from over 20 years ago when French authorities targeted the Iranian Resistance, led by Maryam Rajavi, in an anti-terrorism operation that was later proven to be baseless. Mr. Stango emphasized that it was essential for governments like France to acknowledge their errors and issue apologies for these unjust actions, especially considering that similar incidents have occurred multiple times.

Mr. Stango also raised questions about the relationships between various countries and Iranian embassies that appear to be involved in activities supporting terrorism. He highlighted the importance of understanding the Iranian Resistance’s perspective, as outlined in a Ten-Point Plan presented by Mrs. Maryam Rajavi, which promotes values such as a secular government, the separation of religion from the state, equal opportunities, gender equality, and the abolition of the death penalty and torture.