Sen. John McCain: Americans support Iranian people’s goal for democracy


NCRI – The American people stand with the Iranian people and their democratic opposition movement in the fight to free Iran from violence, oppression and terrorism, United States Senator John McCain (R-AZ), Chairman of the Senate Armed Services Committee, said in a message to the “Free Iran” gathering in Paris last weekend.

Tens of thousands of Iranians and their international supporters attended the “Free Iran” rally in Paris on July 9, which saw international support for the 10-point plan of Iranian opposition leader Mrs. Maryam Rajavi for a future free and democratic Iran.

“As you boldly call for democracy and human rights in Iran, the American people stand with you in your fight against violence, oppression and terrorism in Iran,” said Sen. McCain. “Your display of unity is an inspiration to our nation and its people, who like you, sacrifice blood and treasure in pursuit of freedom.”

“Unfortunately, the nuclear agreement has not tempered Iran’s behavior nor has it improved human rights conditions in Iran. Instead, this dangerous agreement has empowered Iran to be more aggressive in its malign activities and hegemonic ambitions in the region, all while receiving tens of billions of dollars in sanctions relief,” he said.

“We must do more to counter the dangerous threat that Iran’s actions pose. We must resolve to stop the spread of radical terrorism and we must stand united with our friends at this dangerous hour,” he added.

A selection of Senator McCain’s remarks were published on July 14 by the Washington Times in its special report about the “Free Iran” rally.

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