Sen. Carl Levin sends message of support to “Free Iran” rally in Paris


NCRI – The former Democratic Senator from Michigan, Carl Levin, has made a statement expressing his support for the “Free Iran” rally this weekend.

The gathering, due to be held in Paris on Saturday, July 9, will expose the ‘moderate’ Iranian regime for what it really is; a horrific, brutal dictatorship, which tortures its own people, destabilises the Middle East and continues to test nuclear weapons in spite on a UN resolution and last year’s nuclear deal.

Levin said: “Each year Iranian expatriates and supporters of democratic Iran gather together to keep the flame of hope alive. Hope for a different Iran, an Iran that respects human rights and religious freedom. Each year we gather together calling for the end of discrimination and all of its ugly forms in Iran.”

The suppression of free speech has become more severe, recently, with a wave of arrests of human rights activists, opposition supporters, and journalists. The execution rate in Iran has also increased rapidly during the course of Hassan Rouhani’s presidency. An estimated 2,500 people (including women and minors) have been executed by the state in just three years; in 2015 alone, the UN estimates that there were almost 1,000 people put to death by the state.

The former three-time Chairman of the U.S. Senate Armed Services Committee said: “We call for equal justice at long last for all Iran’s people…So the opposition will continue, stronger and stronger until a new Iran emerges, a more secular Iran, a democratic Iran, an Iran that doesn’t support terror, an Iran that respects charter of the United Nations. That is the Iran peace loving people hope for and call for and rally for.”


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