Sanctions should lead to regime change in Iran – Iranian dissident

NCRI – In an interview with France 24 News Channel, Dr. Sanabargh Zahedi, chairman of the Judicial Committee of the National Council of Resistance of Iran (NCRI), said that the only way to confront the Iranian regime’s threats is to rely on the Iranian people and their Resistance for a democratic change.

Dr. Zahedi described the new US measure against Iranian regimes’ Revolutionary Guards Corps (IRGC) as an essential one which has taken place with a long delay.

"The Iranian regime has always benefited from such delays caused by fruitless talks conducted by Europe and IAEA. The regime has used the chance to continue its activities to build nuclear weapons and to expand its meddling to countries in the region including Lebanon, Palestine and Afghanistan," he added.
"I should remind you that Mrs. Maryam Rajavi, the Iranian Resistance’s President-elect, welcomed this measure because the Resistance believes it is necessary to adopt a decisive stance against the Iranian regime, against its extensive suppression inside Iran, against its efforts to acquire nuclear weapon and against its meddling in other countries.
"Of course, these measures should lead to regime change in Iran, because the situation in Iran necessitates that. The Iranian people don’t want this regime; many groups inside the regime have stated that 94 percent of the Iranians don’t want this regime and demand a regime change; therefore the internal situation is ready for this change.
"Looking at recent events in Iran, one can see that Iranian universities are in turmoil; there have been protests at Tehran and Polytechnic Universities, and earlier, we witnessed uprisings against gasoline rationing and other matters. These protests still are continuing. The events show that Iranian people don’t want this regime, but what does the regime do? It suppresses these demonstrations. Since July, over 170 people have been executed, 30 percent of whom hanged in public."

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