Ruža Tomašić MEP: Maryam Rajavi informed us of rights abuses in Iran



Ruža Tomašić, a Member of the European Parliament from Croatia, speaks after a recent visit to the Parliament by Iranian opposition leader Maryam Rajavi: width=”560″ height=”315″ frameborder=”0″ allowfullscreen=”allowfullscreen”>

The following is the text of Mrs. Tomašić’s remarks:

“Hi. My name is Ruža Tomašić. I am an MEP from Croatia.

I was very delighted that Mrs. Maryam Rajavi was here in the European Parliament. She told us so much about the suffering in Iran.

She told us about all the women that were getting killed. She told us about the 1000 people that got killed [executed in Iran last year].

And she told us that the elections in Iran weren’t as democratic as they would like us to believe. If you can’t choose with your own free will, then those are not free elections.

I hope the people of Iran will get their freedom.”

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