Resonance of the “Forbidden Chants”

NCRI – At the heart of the religious dictatorship’s declaration of war on the Iranian people, lies the mullahs’ unswerving craving for the “waves of executions” and “gallows.” Executions continued apace in the last few months in Tehran and other Iranian cities. The regime’s main goal by the recent waves of executions remains to be the terrorizing and silencing of a resentful population. Yet, Iranian university students have launched a lethal arrow to the heart of the regime’s campaign of cruelty by loudening chants of “Death to Dictator!” State terrorism is thus courageously defied.

During the past 10 months, the mullahs have claimed twice as many victims as they had throughout last year. In the past 15 days, 40 prisoners have been hanged or awaiting execution in various Iranian cities such as Tehran, Boushehr, and Shiraz.

The mullahs’ officials even shamelessly declare the purpose of these hangings to be the guaranteeing of the Mediaeval regime’s “security.” However, in the same 15-day period, students at Tehran and other campuses covered by the mullahs’ dark security cloak continued with their chants of “Death to Dictator.” This is indeed a significant and meaningful act on their part, which consciously and completely shatters the mullahs’ perceived leverage of “hang to breed terror.”

We should also take note of yet another significant and memorable act of protest, this time by Iran’s workers, who launched a revolt against another aspect of the mullahs’ debauched policies. Two years ago, the regime’s Supreme Leader, Ali Khamenei, sent two of his high-ranking security and intelligence cronies to the workers’ May Day demonstrations so that they would force Mahmoud Ahmadinejad’s slogan of “Nuclear Energy is our Inalienable Right” onto the workers. But, the demonstrators daringly responded by chants of “Job Security is Our Inalienable Right” and “Strike is Our Inalienable Right.” The workers’ judicious reaction to the regime’s outlandish attempts to paint a “national” and “popular” picture of its nuclear weapons program was thereafter repeated at other acts of protest by workers and teachers throughout Iran.

Such a degree of political awareness, permeated with a consciousness regarding true national interests, as displayed during national worker and student demonstrations, removes the political smog created by the mullahs’ asinine claims of “supporting the oppressed,” while exposing the mullahs’ inhumanity and perilous destruction of Iran. Iran’s social discontent also reflects the true image of the society, which is truly on the verge of exploding. Such is a fundamental and general interpretation of these protests.

More specific analysis leads one to the realization that the mullahs’ deceptions have become wholly ineffective. A deafening campaign of deception, whose paid writers and lobbyists, on the one hand, claim that the mullahs’ war with the world is a “national” one, while, on the other hand, its masked henchmen send Iran’s youth to the gallows as “hooligans” and “terrorists.”

The Iranian nation, however, is neither deceived nor terrified. The courageous chants of students and workers, along with the young triumphant smiles shining under the shadow of the noose, signify the futility of the mullahs’ deceptions and brutality, and painstakingly pave the way to freedom and democracy in Iran.

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