Remove Iranian opposition (PMOI/MEK) from EU terror list

Source: Press Association
Europe's governments have been challenged to follow the UK's lead and take Iran's main opposition group off an EU blacklist of suspected terror organisations.

The call came after the Government finally agreed to delete the exiled People's Mojahedin Organisation of Iran (PMOI / MEK) after a series of court rulings found no reason for it to be there.

Source: Press Association
Europe's governments have been challenged to follow the UK's lead and take Iran's main opposition group off an EU blacklist of suspected terror organisations.

The call came after the Government finally agreed to delete the exiled People's Mojahedin Organisation of Iran (PMOI / MEK) after a series of court rulings found no reason for it to be there.

The PMOI was put on the EU list at UK government insistence in 2002, after the then Home Secretary Jack Straw had added the organisation to the UK's own list.

Years of objections raised by the PMOI resulted in a European Court ruling in December 2006 that PMOI inclusion was "unlawful". The Court found the group was seeking regime change in Teheran by political, non-violent means. But EU governments took no action, claiming the ruling was based on a technicality.

Then last November the PMOI had a second legal success, winning a case before the UK's independent judicial authority, the Proscribed Organisations Appeal Commission (POAC), which described the British Government's blacklisting of the PMOI as unlawful.

POAC chairman Sir Harry Ognall, a former judge, said the Government's decision to blacklist the PMOI [MEK] was "perverse", because the PMOI [MEK]had not been involved in any military activity since August 2001, that it had disarmed in 2003 and that there was no evidence that the PMOI [MEK]had since sought involvement in any type of military operations.

Earlier this year Europe's human rights watchdog, the Council of Europe, published a damning report describing POAC finding as "sensational" and ""a real slap in the face" for the UK Government. Cases such as the PMOI [MEK] controversy were an example of the "disastrous" effects of such blacklists, said the report.

A third legal victory for the PMOI [MEK]- in the Court of Appeal in May – left the government with no choice but to concede.

But, Scottish Conservative MEP Struan Stevenson told a press conference in Brussels, that still leaves the PMOI [MEK]on the EU list. He said Jack Straw had actually admitted that the PMOI [MEK] was only included on the original UK list in the first place at the request of the Teheran regime – a request he said had been repeated only last week to EU foreign policy chief Javier Solana during a visit to Teheran.

"I say to the Council (of EU governments), no more delay, no more procrastination, no more excuses – listen to the rule of law and observe the decision of the Houses of Parliament and Lords (the UK government) and take the PMOI of this list now."

Photo: Scottish Conservative MEP Struan Stevenson

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