Rally for the Mojahedin

rally-for-mojahedin150NCRI – On its front page, the Washington Times published a picture of the families and friends of the Iranian opposition members the People's Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI/MEK) residing in Ashraf City Iraq outside the local office of the America Red Cross in Washington.

The participants call on the Red Cross officials to prevent a possible handover of the residents' protection from the US military to Iraq.

NCRI – On its front page, the Washington Times published a picture of the families and friends of the Iranian opposition members the People's Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI/MEK) residing in Ashraf City Iraq outside the local office of the America Red Cross in Washington.

The participants call on the Red Cross officials to prevent a possible handover of the residents' protection from the US military to Iraq.

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