Rajavi meets Euro MPs and Belgian Parliamentarians on Iran

Rajavi meets Euro MPs and Belgian Parliamentarians on IranNCRI – In a meeting with a group of Euro MPs and Belgian parliamentarians on Wednesday, Mrs. Maryam Rajavi, President-elect of the National Council of Resistance of Iran stressed that the clerical regime’s nuclear program is unpatriotic and against the highest interests of the Iranian people and called on the United Nations Security Council to impose sanctions on the regime. She also called for removal of the PMOI from the terror list and expulsion of the mullahs’ regime from the UN. The following are excerpts from her speech:

Dear Friends,

The actions and policies of the clerical regime have created a sensitive and critical situation which has profoundly affected Iran, the region and the world.

After two decades of appeasement and concessions to the mullahs ruling Iran, Western governments bear heavy responsibility for this situation.

Today, at your presence, the elected representative of European nations, I would like to call urge these countries to abandon the policy of appeasement and welcome democratic change in Iran in order to prevent the mullahs from obtaining a nuclear arsenal and another war from breaking out in the region.

Three weeks ago, a United Nations Security Council Presidential statement gave Iran 30 days to suspend its uranium enrichment. The mullahs responded to the international community by resuming uranium enrichment. But the international community reacted with delay and was extremely soft toward Iran’s impudence.

I want to warn all those who seek to prevent war that more negotiations, further delay and wasting time are not the way to prevent war.

The regime’s President announced the production of enriched uranium last week. More delays will further shock the world if the mullahs announce they have tested the bomb. Time is running out. Comprehensive sanctions must be imposed against the regime to prevent the catastrophe of the mullahs obtaining nuclear weapons.

Of course the catastrophe is not limited to nuclear weapons. Several days ago mullahs’ supreme leader Ali Khamenei took part in a conference purported to support Palestine, in which he emphasized three points. First, Islamic regimes ruling Muslim countries, meaning the export of fundamentalism and the establishment of a global Islamic empire. Second, reiterating the rhetoric about the destruction of Israel. Third, brazen support for terrorism and suicide attacks. These three issues are in line with Tehran’s efforts to acquire the nuclear bomb and meddle in Iraq.

That is why for the past three years, the Iranian Resistance has repeatedly warned Tehran’s meddling in Iraq is more dangerous than its nuclear program. The mullahs are trying to dominate the whole region by using Iraq as a platform. Ignoring this threat has paved the way for the mullahs in that country.

In addition to controlling Iraq’s political and security organs, the clerical regime has conspired against the democratic process in Iraq by organizing the assassination of hundreds of anti-fundamentalist university chancellors and faculty as well as physicians and intellectuals in the past three years.

In one of the biggest heists of the current century, the mullahs have smuggled more than 20 billion dollars worth of Iraqi oil to Iran through Iraq’s southern borders. To this end, the ruling dictatorship has divided the southern oil rich region among its affiliated groupings that are entrusted with patrolling those regions and oil facilities. This has given them free reins to plunder Iraq’s oil. To do this, they use police cars and uniforms. The stolen oil, up to 500,000 barrels a day, provides for the huge expenditures their meddling in Iraq entails.

Today, the most effective solution to stop the mullahs’ meddling in Iraq is to thwart the clerical regime and its operatives in Iraq. That is the only way to neutralize the mullahs’ domination and hegemonic advances and guarantee peace, democracy and tranquility in the region. Not much time is left to do so. We must not allow the mullahs to benefit from negotiations while they solidify their position in Iraq. 

The fact of the matter is that the mullahs will never abandon their nuclear weapons. Nor will they stop trying to dominate Iraq. These are the guarantees to preserve their regime. 

They have, therefore, undermined all efforts and attempts to compromise. Today, there is only one way to prevent the mullahs from acquiring a nuclear arsenal and a war: democratic change in Iran, which is only possible by the Iranian people and Resistance.

And that is why it is now very important to remove the terrorist label from the People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran, the Resistances’ pivotal force. The PMOI was blacklisted at the request of the mullahs and in the framework of appeasement. This label is the most important obstacle to change in Iran.

Those who are trying to maintain this label in order to keep their bridges with the mullahs are providing the greatest assistance to the mullahs in their quest for the bomb.

No pressure is more effective on the mullahs than removing the unwarranted restrictions from the Iranian people’s Resistance.

The Iranian people hold the key to solving the Iran crisis. With an organized resistance movement, the people of Iran have demonstrated their determination for change by staging more than 4,000 acts of protest last year alone.

Allow me therefore to announce on behalf of the Iranian people:
1. The mullahs’ nuclear program is unpatriotic and against the highest interests of the Iranian people. Contrary to the regime’s claims, a vast majority of Iranians oppose it.
2. The United Nations Security Council must impose sanctions on the mullahs’ regime.
3. The mullah’s regime must be kicked out of Iraq.
4. The PMOI must be removed from the terror list as soon as possible. This is the litmus test of an end to appeasement policy.
5. The mullahs’ regime is not worthy of being a member of the world community. We demand the expulsion of the clerical regime from the United Nations and the recognition of the Iranian people’s Resistance for democracy. 

Thank you very much

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