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HomeIran News NowIran Opposition & Resistance"The solution in Iraq is to root out the Iranian regime" -...

“The solution in Iraq is to root out the Iranian regime” – Maryam Rajavi

NCRI – In a video message to a meeting at the U.S. Congress on September 11, 2007, Mrs. Maryam Rajavi, President-elect of the Iranian Resistance said, “The undeniable reality is that the policy of appeasing the Iranian regime with the aim of bringing about gradual or behavior change or containing it has failed. For the mullahs the only way to deal with the tide of democracy in Iran and global developments is repression, nuclear weapons, domination of Iraq and spread of Islamic fundamentalism.” The full text of here message follows:

Allow me at the beginning to hail the Iranian people for rising up against an oppressive dictatorship. By resorting to hanging young people in public, the mullahs are trying to intimidate the Iranian nation. But the mass executions have failed to break the resistance of the people. The mullahs have reached the end of the line in Iran.

 Today, Iraq has become the central front in the fight against Islamo-fascism and the terrorism resulting from it. This is the biggest problem before the United States and the international community. Whatever the results, it would chart the direction of the twenty-first century.

 The Iranian regime is the main problem in Iraq; other factors are marginal. The mullahs will not allow a successful political process in Iraq to take shape, because a democratic Iraq would be a nightmare for them. 

 For this reason, they have done everything to prevent the creation of a democratic Iraq. Since 27 years ago, Iraq, owing to its unique geopolitical status – having a majority Shiite population, being home to the shrines of six Shiite Imams, and having a 1,200km border with Iran as well as many different religions and ethnic groupings – has been the main target of the mullahs’ so-called “export of Islamic revolution.”

Unfortunately, the West’s disregard for this reality allowed the mullahs to spread influence in Iraq after the fall of the previous government in that country. If the Iranian regime did not intervene in Iraq, there would be no need for stationing a large force and the casualties would not be so heavy.
The primary battle in Iraq is between two major fronts: the alternative presented by the mullahs ruling Iran and the one desired by the Iraqi people. Therefore the United States is not facing a hidden enemy, but a specific state that has specific centers. If you were to concentrate on this enemy, victory could definitely be achieved much quicker and with fewer casualties. 

Otherwise, Iraq must be handed over to the mullahs. Within Iraq itself, the United States will be engaged in a deadly cycle of one group of Iranian-backed terrorists being replaced by another and you will have to deal with an endless flow of weapons and explosives to Iraq.

This is exactly what the mullahs in Tehran are after. The Iranian regime is the epicenter of Islamo-fascism, and has drawn its frontline in Baghdad, boasting that Lebanon and Palestine are its "strategic depth". This reality is being gradually recognized in Europe. Recently, the French President said that Iran was at the crossroads of the crises in the region.

The undeniable reality is that the policy of appeasing the Iranian regime with the aim of bringing about gradual or behavior change or containing it has failed. For the mullahs the only way to deal with the tide of democracy in Iran and global developments is repression, nuclear weapons, domination of Iraq and spread of Islamic fundamentalism.
For this reason, they lack the capacity to retreat from their positions and have made a strategic choice. Any delay in recognizing this reality and in taking proper action to confront it will have destructive implications. It will give the mullahs the opportunity to move forward in Iraq and get closer to the nuclear bomb. The prospect of either a nuclear-armed Iran or war is a catastrophe that must be prevented. The international community does not have to choose between the "bad and the worse."

The desire for the return of U.S. troops home is a legitimate one. But for that to happen, the Iranian problem and by extension the Iraqi crisis must be resolved. The solution in Iraq is to root out the Iranian regime. The solution in Iran is regime change by the Iranian people and their resistance movement.
Fifteen years ago, a majority in the U.S. Congress declared, "This resistance’s profound popular and religious roots are the best obstacles to the Iranian regime’s abuse of religious sentiments. Therefore, this resistance is a solution to fundamentalism. We believe that support for the National Council of Resistance will contribute to peace and stability in the region.”

The People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI) is at the core of the Iranian Resistance. It advocates a tolerant and democratic Islam. It has struggled against dictatorship and religious deception for more than four decades. It is the ideological and political antithesis, and the most effective counterweight to the mullahs’ rule. It has, therefore, been the main target of the mullahs’ extensive misinformation campaign.

The PMOI enjoys widespread support and has an extensive network inside Iran. It has access to the most confidential secrets of the regime, including its nuclear projects, terrorist plots and huge thefts. The PMOI has also been able to organize many protests and acts of social defiance across the nation. So far, 120,000 of its members and supporters have been executed by the Iranian regime.

The Iraqi people have also expressed their support and sympathy with the PMOI. In June 2006, 5.2 million Iraqis called for the continued presence of the PMOI in Iraq as the most important obstacle to the influence of Islamic fundamentalism in that country. Many Iraqi personalities and parties have said that during the past four years the PMOI has tried hard to advance the political process in Iraq.

Unfortunately, the potentials and capabilities of the PMOI have been hampered seriously. The same is true with its allies in the National Council of Resistance of Iran which is working to bring democratic change to Iran and has contributed to the political process in Iraq. This is because the PMOI has been placed on the list of terrorist organizations. This designation was a "goodwill gesture" to the Iranian regime. Today, the Iranian regime threatens peace and tranquility in the Middle East.

The Iranian Resistance is appealing to members of Congress and all those who advocate a correct policy in dealing with the current crisis. Firstly to ask them to help remove the terrorist tag from the main Iranian opposition so that the Iranian people and their resistance could contribute to democratic change in Iran as well as to regional and international peace so that the civilized world is rid of the threat of Islamo-fascism. And secondly work to evict the Iranian regime from Iraq, a demand shared by a majority of Iraqis.