“Stop mullahs’ appeasement now” – Iranians shouted outside EU Headquarters

NCRI – As the EU foreign ministers met in Luxembourg yesterday to discuss measures against the mullahs’ regime in face of its ongoing defiance of the UN Security Council resolutions, Iranians and supporters of the Iranian Resistance held a rally outside the EU Headquarters to call for tough sanctions.

"We want a comprehensive economic and political sanctions as well as arms embargo against the religious dictatorship in Iran," said one of the rally organizers adding, "It is now time to end the shameful policy of appeasement of the mullahs."

Participants in the rally also condemned listing the main Iranian opposition, the People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI), among terrorist groups by the EU. This is still continued despite the ruling of the Court of First Instance of the European Communities which described the PMOI’s terror designation as unlawful.

Addressing the crowd, Marc Angel, member of the Foreign Affairs Committee of the Parliament in Luxembourg endorsed the demand by participants condemning the policy of appeasement and said, "I support Mrs. Rajavi’s policies, in particular her proposal for democratic change in Iran."

The Chair of the NCRI’s Committee on Industry, Mr. Mehdi Same also addressed the rally by reminding that the Iranian Resistance had warned in advance of the regime’s threats and if it was not dealt with, then the security of the world community would be at risk. "The world can now understand to some extent what we meant then. While the regime is driving the world to the brink of a nuclear war, we would like to remind the EU of its responsibilities to prevent a catastrophe," said Same criticizing that "there has been no limit to EU’s policy of appeasement towards the regime to the extent that it has included the main Iranian opposition in the terror list and to please the mullahs even further, it has pledged to maintain the movement in the list."

At the end of the rally a resolution was adopted by participants calling for an immediate end to EU’s policy of appeasement and imposition of comprehensive sanctions against the regime. A delegation representing the rally handed over the resolution to the Portuguese presidency. 

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