“Playing ball with Iran”

NCRI – The following is a letter by Philip Bushill-Matthews Conservative MEP from Brussels, giving his views on Iranian regime and its main opposition, the People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran:

Every MEP is a member of at least one so-called Inter-parliamentary Delegation, designed to develop understanding and relationships between the elected politicians of Europe and those from another country/region elsewhere in the world. Given the particular problems in the Middle East, I chose to be a member of the Iran Delegation.

That does not mean I have been so far been able to visit Iran. Indeed it is unlikely I shall be going in the future either. At issue is not directly the Iranian decision to accelerate research into enriching uranium, which could give this particularly repressive regime the opportunity to produce its own nuclear weapons, and to fulfil its declared aim of destroying Israel. The issue is simply the actual name of the Delegation.

The official name of the country is “The Islamic Republic of Iran”. Their Government has demanded that the Delegation name to be changed to reflect the “full correct” name – otherwise in their eyes the Delegation would not officially exist. Unless such a change was made, no MEP visits could therefore take place.

Normally there should be no problem in MEPs agreeing to call a country what that country calls itself, especially if a free trip would flow from such a name-change. But the danger was that this would simply hand a propaganda coup to the Iranian regime, portrayed as further proof that Iran could do what it liked and the EU would tag meekly along. We voted against the change by a massive majority. It was an important signal to send.

Names matter in the West as well. One of the main democratic groups opposing the Iranian regime is called the Peoples’ Mujihadeen. That name has unfortunate overtones of Islamic extremism, which is why the group is branded a terrorist organisation by the USA and the EU although it has not committed any terrorist acts. The very fact that Iran has also labelled it so should be reason enough to suggest it is not: I have formally raised this with the European Council. We should help all friends of democracy, and these friends need all the help they can get.

Certainly it is good news that on May Day hundreds and thousands of ordinary Iranians braved the brutality of the security forces and took to the streets of Teheran to demonstrate against the regime. People power usually succeeds – in the end.

Meanwhile another political decision, this time for the Germans, has been whether or not to welcome Iranian President Ahmadi-Nejad to Nuremberg for the opening round of the World Cup. Apparently he is passionate about the game. There have been lengthy negotiations.

I hope they help him understand the importance of playing ball with the West.

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