“Mullahs Must Go”- Iranian Protestors

NCRI (Norway)- On Saturday families of victims of political executions in Iran gathered in the center of Arnedal to protest the recent wave of executions in Iran.

Mr. Yngvar Langås from the Norwegian Labor Party and Mr. Jan Kløvstad, Leader of Norwegian Liberal Party in Arendal spoke at the rally and expressed their support for the Iranian Resistance.

The Norwegian daily, Agderposten in a report titled "Mullahs Must Go" covered the rally.

Agderposten reported, "the Iranian political refugees protested to inform the public of atrocities carried out by the Iranian regime.

They are fighting for establishment of a democratic system in Iran, a system in which women are not stoned to death, there is no torture, there is no public hanging, a system in which men and women are equal".

The speakers emphasized on the need for a firm policy vis-à-vis the Iranian regime. 

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