“I support the NCRI’s stated aims of a secular, democratic Iran” (Australian Senator)

NCRI – Message of support of the Australian senator Kate Lundy to Mrs Rajavi, President-elect of the National Council of Resistance of Iran, on the occasion of the gathering of 30,000 Iranians near Paris on July 1st for a democratic change in Iran.

Dear President Mrs Rajavi

I wish to send the National Council of Resistance of Iran my best wishes for the success of your public rally tomorrow.

I understand that the National Council of Resistance of Iran unites a number of groups within Iranian society to be a strong voice for peaceful democratic change in your country.

I support the National Council of Resistance of Iran’s stated aims of a secular, democratic iran based on the following principles:

Universal suffrage
Freedom of speech
Abolition of the death penalty
Separation of church and state and religious freedom
Gender equality
Independent judiciary
Commitment to the International Declaration of Human Rights and associated instruments
Recognition of private property, investment and free market economy
Foreign policy based on peaceful co-existence
Nuclear free.

I wish to add my support to those who will rally tomorrow in Paris to say yes to democratic change in Iran, no to nuclear weapons, no to war and no to appeasement of the current regime.

Yours sincerely

Kate Lundy
Senator for the ACT
Australian Parliament

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