“Behind the atrocities in Iraq stands the Iranian regime” (Claire Miskin)

NCRI – “The reason for the Iranian regime’s desperate attempts to destroy the PMOI is that they realise the PMOI is the antithesis to Iran’s brand of Islamic fundamentalism. An example of the power of the PMOI is the constructive role it has played in Iraq by strengthening the nationalist and anti-fundamentalist forces in Iraq who seek a secular and pluralistic democracy for their country,” said Claire Miskin, an experienced Barrister at Three Dr Johnson’s Buildings, a Recorder joint chair of the International Bar Association’s Women’s Interest Group, in her speech at Westminster on December 15 in a conference on the main Iranian opposition movement’s status, PMOI, in Iraq. Here is the text of her speech:

All of us who read the newspapers are conscious of the fact that not a day goes by when news of a further atrocity in Iraq hits the headlines, with civilians including children being the main victims. Behind these atrocities stands the Iranian regime. Apart from putting huge amounts of money and weaponry into the hands of those terrorist groups and militias who use such weapons against the Iraqi people, Iran will do everything it can to destabilise Iraq.

In the past couple of years, Iran has been responsible for the assassinations of dissidents in Iraq, the arming and funding of a network of insurgents, running secret torture chambers in Iraq, and interfering in the Iraqi elections through vote rigging and fraud.

Standing as a major obstacle in the path of the mullahs is Camp Ashraf, which I am sure you will agree is extremely beautiful. It is a remarkable place in many ways, because the people who live there are not what we would usually regard as people who constitute a Resistance movement. Described by one visiting group as an army of intellectuals comprised of well educated and predominately middle class Iranians who have made the decision to sacrifice a conventional lifestyle in order to join the resistance movement and free their county from oppression. Many of its residents have moved to Camp Ashraf from the comfort of their lives in London, Paris, Berlin, Washington, New York and other cities around the world. Others have joined the movement from Iran.

You have already seen what happened during the Iraqi invasion. Despite the declared neutrality of the PMOI, Camp Ashraf was nevertheless remorselessly bombed by the US and British forces following a deal done with the Iranian regime. In return for bombing the Iranian regime’s main opponents, the US and Britain obtained assurances from the Iranian regime that they would not interfere in the internal affairs of Iraq. What a farce that has turned out to be. 

The Iranian regime now resorts to all sorts of other pressures on the PMOI and ultimately seeks their expulsion from Iraq. Most recently, the residents of Camp Ashraf have had their food, water, fuel and medical supplies interrupted. They are forced to purchase their supplies at astronomical prices.

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