Press conference in support of PMOI in Brussels

Text of speech by Mrs. Maryam Rajavi, President-elect of the Iranian Resistance at press conference held by the International Committee in Search of Justice (ISJ) in Brussels on January 27

Mr. President,
Ladies and Gentlemen,

Finally, justice prevailed.

Text of speech by Mrs. Maryam Rajavi, President-elect of the Iranian Resistance at press conference held by the International Committee in Search of Justice (ISJ) in Brussels on January 27

Mr. President,
Ladies and Gentlemen,

Finally, justice prevailed.
The European Union conceded to the rule of law. The unjust label on the PMOI has been removed. Seven years of political and legal campaign by parliamentarians, jurists and the Iranian Resistance have borne fruit. A major obstacle for change and establishment of democracy in Iran has been removed

This is an exceptional moment in European history. Victory of law over petty economic interests. Victory of Justice over appeasing religious fascism. Removing the PMOI from the list. sends a strong signal to the Iranian people as it encourages them in their struggle for freedom.

I congratulate this development to those who suffered the most because of this unjust label: the Iranian people and the residents of Ashraf City.

I take this opportunity to commend pre-eminent European jurists, especially the Right Honourable Lord Slynn of Hadley, for their invaluable contribution to this campaign. I also thank PMOI's lawyers, Jean Pierre Spitzer and David Vaughan.

I extend my profound gratitude to The European Committee of "In Search of Justice", led by European Parliament Vice President, Dr Alejo Vidal Quadras, and British committee for Iran Freedom led by Lord Corbett and other parliamentary committees in France, Germany, Italy, The Netherlands. Luxembourg, Sweden, Denmark, Norway, the European Parliament and members of parliaments in Finland, Czech Republic and other countries for  supporting the Iranian Resistance in this campaign. In this historic moment Let us commemorate late Lord Russell Johnston and Lord Renton.

Ladies and Gentlemen
Allow me here to underscore some important issues:
 First – The unjust terror label against the PMOI inflicted great damages to the people of Iran and the Middle East:

namely the arrest and execution of many youth, impeding democratic change in Iran and encouraging the religious fascism to more warmongering and export of terrorism in the region.

2- Now however, the time has come to turn this dark page. Time has come to think about the future. Yesterday's decision reflected the will of a strong majority in Europe who are no longer interested in continuing the policy of cracking down on the democratic Iranian opposition and continue appeasing the ruling mullahs. Thousands of Iranians, who have organized a victory rally not far from here, also seek a new chapter in the relations between the people of Iran in the relations and Europe. The Iranian Resistance looks to a Europe that is not standing with the mullahs as it best partner.

3- After removal of the PMOI from British and European Union's lists,
maintaining the PMOI on the US State Department's list has no justification
and it is illegitimate more then ever before.
I hope the new administration of the United States will make the most important aspect of change that is putting aside the policy of appeasement with the mullahs and delisting the PMOI.

4- Time has come for the Iraqi government to recognize the status of the residents of Ashraf as protected persons under the Fourth Geneva Convention and remove the unjust restrictions against them.

5- Time has come to recognize this Resistance movement as the democratic alternative to the illegitimate regime ruling Iran. Democratic change by the people of Iran and its Resistance is the key to the Iranian crisis and is the most efficient option to contain a regime which is the most serious threat to global peace and security.

6- Time has come to place this illegitimate regime in the terrorist list and imposing comprehensive sanctions against it. It is time to send the file of mullahs' crimes  against people of Iran and the world, including 120.000 – one hundred twenty thousand political executions, to the Security Council of the United Nations. Thank you very much.

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