Political prisoner vows to continue hunger strike until demands are met



NCRI – A political prisoner held in Iran’s Gohardasht Prison, who has been on a hunger strike for over two months, vowed on Thursday that he will continue his strike until his demands are met.

Mr. Arjang Davoudi was arrested in October 2003 on charges of “working against national security.”

On Thursday, his wife visited him in prison. The physical condition of Mr. Davoudi was so bad that he had to be brought in with a wheel chair for the visit. He was described as pale, extremely frail and slim. He told his wife that he has no plans to end his 2 month hunger strike unless his demands are fully met.

Mr. Davoudi is reportedly asking for respect for his right to have telephone contacts and regular visits in prison. He is also requesting the return of his house which was confiscated three years ago by the mullahs’ judiciary leaving his family without a home.

“Our house was taken from us. They even destroyed parts of it during their searches,” Mrs. Davoudi said in an interview recently about the raid against her house by the Iranian regime’s agents.

“They initially told us that we would have to leave the house for only a few days. But, that has turned into three years. And now we found out that it has been sold.”

Mr. Daovoudi’s health has reportedly deteriorated severely due to his hunger strike.

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