Political prisoner Ali Moezzi backs “Free Iran” rally




NCRI – Iranian political prisoner Ali Moezzi has sent out a message from inside Tehran’s notorious Evin Prison, commending the Iranian Resistance for holding the “Free Iran” gathering on July 9 in Paris. Mr. Moezzi, is a father to two members of the main Iranian opposition group, the People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI or MEK).

He wrote:

“The large gathering in Paris was attended by a myriad of Iranians, as well as compatriots and delegations, from all five continents who want to see a free Iran.

Subsequently, the gathering attracted a considerable amount of attention from the worldwide press, and congratulations must be given to liberal compatriots and the members of the PMOI, who organized this event.

Iran’s struggle with authoritarianism has continued for more than fifty years, from the time of the Shah to the current mullahs, but despite all odds we will gallop to freedom, no matter what obstacles block our way.

The voice of the resistance shall be heard. It is not in the interest of our people, the region, and the world to close their eyes and create a barrier in the way of this resistance. In order to make a better world with more responsible people, the organized message of the Iranian Resistance must be heard and applied.

It is true that the members of the PMOI will, like blazing torches, set tyranny on fire.

Yes, the multilateral and global resistance has large numbers of people in prison, in exile, at schools or in universities, in the factory or bazaar, at home or on the street; they are united to bring down the corrupt theocracy.

We must revive freedom.

‘They see it far away and we see it close.’

My greetings to all freedom fighters, the brave sons of our homeland and the friends and supporters of the resistance.”

Ali Moezzi, Ward 8 of Evin Prison

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