PMOI delisting not enough, Iran must be prosecuted in int’l courts .. Iraqi MP

Al Hadath News Center, Cairo,  – In an exclusive interview with the Al Hadath News Center, Methal Al Alousi, President of the Iraqi Umma Party, said the delisting of the People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran is an obvious reason for the fact that US policy towards Iran, Iraq and freedom loving nations is a failed policy.

Methal Al Alousi, President of the Iraqi Umma Party

It would have been better for Washington to not intervene in these issues and prevented Iran from committing crimes against the freedom loving people of Iran, he added.
“I won’t settle for just the PMOI delisting, in fact, I demand the prosecution of Iran in international courts for their inhumane crimes in Iraq, Syria and Iran. This regime is a terrorist regime and the responsibility of finalizing it is on the shoulders of the international community.’ he said.
“The Iraqi government in these issues lacks any kind of decision making drive because this government is the executor of the will of a criminal by the name of Ghassem Suleimani and other Iranian officials who are known for tracking down PMOI members inside and outside Iran,” Al Alousi continued.
“The UN delegation and the international community have remained silent in the face of human rights violations in Iraq, as they have remained silent in the daily killings of Iraqis by government elements and paramilitary forces,” he added.
“Therefore, protecting PMOI members in Iraq is a must for President Obama, the US and international organizations because the Iraqi people are a free people and Iraq is a free country. It is not possible for us to remain silent regarding the crimes being committed against the PMOI by the terrorist regime ruling Iran with the support of the Iraqi government and its agents,” he continued on the status of Camp Liberty being placed under UN and international community supervision.


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