PMOI advocates pluralism, democracy and freedom, a message the Middle-East needs very much – MEP

NCRI – “The Council decision to once again include the PMOI in the terrorist list is also wrong from a political perspective. It will embolden the Iranian regime to further its destructive policy in spreading fundamentalism in the region. It would embolden the Iranian regime to intensify their meddling in Iraq and their quest for obtaining nuclear weapons. It would give a justification for the regime in Iran to further suppress the freedom of the Iranian people,” said Alejo Vidal Quadras, Vice-President of the Euopean Parliament.

“The Council decision to once again include the PMOI in the terrorist list is also wrong from a political perspective. It will embolden the Iranian regime to further its destructive policy in spreading fundamentalism in the region. It would embolden the Iranian regime to intensify their meddling in Iraq and their quest for obtaining nuclear weapons. It would give a justification for the regime in Iran to further suppress the freedom of the Iranian people,” said Alejo Vidal Quadras, Vice-President of the Euopean Parliament.

He was addressing an International Conference, entitled “A call for Justice,” simultaneous with the EU Summit in Brussels on March 8. The President-elect of the National Council of Resistance of Iran, Mrs. Maryam Rajavi, as well as dozens of parliamentarians, jurists and personalities took part in the conference.

Here is the text of Mr. Vidal Quadras’ speech:

Today’s conference is the joint initiative of members of Parliament from across Europe, namely four parliamentary groups: Friends of a Free Iran from the European Parliament, The British Committee of Iran Freedom, Friends of Iran in Scandinavia and the French Committee for a Free Iran.

I welcome all distinguished guests and Madam President, we are honoured that you have accepted our invitation. It’s always a great pleasure to be in your company.
I would also like to welcome Lord Slynn of Hadley, the architect of the PMOI’s great victory in the Court of First Instance. The Court ruling was not only a victory for the PMOI but a victory of justice and for all of us.
On 12 December 2006, justice prevailed. The Court ruled that the People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran was unjustly and unlawfully included in the list of terrorist organizations.
The PMOI was included in the terrorist list in 2002 as part of the European Union policy of appeasement vis-à-vis the Iranian regime. There were never any factual grounds justifying the PMOI designation as a terrorist organization.
Europe should be ashamed for such an injustice only to appease a totalitarian regime.
Against the injustice of the Council, I am delighted to announce today that in less than one month more than 1000 parliamentarians from across Europe have signed a statement condemning the Council disregard of the Court ruling. It is now my honour to present Mrs. Rajavi a copy of the signed statements.
Contrary to its claim, the Council has failed to comply with the Court. The Council can not evade its obligations under the pretext that the Court ruled on procedure. This is deception under legal pretext.
The highest Court in Europe has spoken by its judgment. More than 1000 parliamentarians representing the voice of the people have spoken and called on the Council to remove the PMOI from the list. It is now for the Council to listen to the voice of the people represented by these 1000 signatures of parliamentarians and to listen to the voice of justice. The PMOI must be removed from the list and its assets must be unfreeze.
Refusing to submit to the verdict of the Court will make a mockery of the legal regime in Europe. Its consequences go far beyond this case and present a dark stain on ِEurope’s tradition of respect for the rule of law.
Refusing to implement the Court judgment would seriously undermine and discredit the sincerity of the EU and its member states in the fight against terrorism. While we should all be united in fighting terrorism and fundamentalism, the EU’s insistence on this politically-motivated designation will arouse the opposition of parliamentarians, human rights advocates and public in general to such an arbitrary approach. The real terrorists, the real ones, will benefit from this decision and the responsibility will solely rest on the European Union member states.
The Council decision to once again include the PMOI in the terrorist list is also wrong from a political perspective. It will embolden the Iranian regime to further its destructive policy in spreading fundamentalism in the region. It would embolden the Iranian regime to intensify their meddling in Iraq and their quest for obtaining nuclear weapons. It would give, as it has already done, a justification for the regime in Iran to further suppress the freedom of the Iranian people.
Above impeding the principal opposition movement of the Iranian regime is a clear assistance to the regime. The PMOI is a democratic political organization. It advocates a democratic, open and tolerant Islam. In this respect it is the anti-thesis to Islamic fundamentalism.
PMOI is the main force within the democratic coalition of the National Council of Resistance of Iran. The movement is the solution to the present crisis in Iran and the region. It advocates pluralism, democracy and freedom. This is the message that the region is so much in need. The solution to the present crisis is not foreign military intervention or appeasement, but democratic change by the people of Iran and their organized democratic Resistance.

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