Pleasant dreams of responsible authorities and [PMOI’s] clever actions

Pleasant dreams of responsible authorities and [PMOI’s] clever actionsSource: the state-run Jahan News website, March 2, 2009

Following is a translation from Farsi text 

Recently, phone calls have been made to people, especially people from Tehran, playing a prerecorded message openly claiming that this is the voice and message of the Monafeqin! [derogatory term used by the mullahs’ regime to refer to the People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran – PMOI/MEK].

After the case of sending out SMS messages by the [PMOI] to our countrymen ended without any reasonable – or even unreasonable – response from authorities in the telecommunications department, this time the electronic attacks of this grouplet’s members have demonstrated the authorities’ new levels of ignorance and ineptitude.

A Jahan News reporter says that since a long time ago, this terrorist grouplet’s internet agents have obtained access to a database of email addresses of our countrymen and sent out mass emails with propaganda slogans and political positions. Until now, there have been no reports about the details of this action and about how the [PMOI] could gain access to a database of people’s emails.

But, in the most recent occurrence, on the basis of what a number of this website’s visitors and security official have said, recently some users of mobile phones have been contacted and have heard a prerecorded voice clearly saying that this is the voice and message of the [PMOI]!

The interesting point is that all these contacts have first been routed through government operator numbers, which completely brings into question the security level of cell phone lines as well as the supervision which must be implemented.

It is worth saying that the ineptitude in confronting these deceived individuals belonging to this terrorist gouplet in the country has meant that so far even the propaganda messages of the [PMOI] have been published in several publications, which deserves to be given ample consideration. This is while in view of the closure of Ashraf Camp in Iraq and the defection of a large number of deceived members of this grouplet, these actions, which happen in the face of the ignorance and incompetence of responsible technical and security institutions, provide a good setting for the [PMOI] to announce its presence and spread its propaganda.

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