Petri Sarvamaa MEP: I share Maryam Rajavi’s views on Iran



NCRI – Petri Sarvamaa, a Member of the European Parliament from Finland, says he shares the views of Iranian opposition President-elect Maryam Rajavi on how the international community ought to put human rights at the top of its agenda in its relationship with Iran’s regime.

Mr. Sarvamaa also declared his support and solidarity with the members of the Iranian opposition People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI or MEK) in Camp Liberty, Iraq. width=”560″ height=”315″ frameborder=”0″ allowfullscreen=”allowfullscreen”>

Text of Mr. Sarvamaa’s remarks:

“Recently we had the opportunity to have Mrs. Maryam Rajavi here in the European Parliament with us. I very much share her views on how we should conduct our policies towards the Iranian regime: not just about business deals really, but also about human rights – the track record is appalling.

I also share Madam Rajavi’s views on the very concerning state of affairs as far as the Iranian regime’s meddling in the region is concerned. In the Syrian question, the [Iranian regime’s] dealings with Bashar al-Assad and joining together with Russia is extremely concerning to me.

The Camp Liberty question is still very much in our hearts and minds. I give my total sympathy to the people in the camp, and I share the pain and grievances with them.

I hope that the suffering of the Iranian people will end and that they will finally be able to have their freedom under truly democratic rule.”

Members of the European Parliament have spoken out in support of human rights and democracy in Iran through support for the democratic opposition led by Mrs. Maryam Rajavi.

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