Paris -Conference exposing the Mullahs crimes against the Iranian people

NCRI – On Friday, political and human rights dignitaries in a press conference entitled "Mullahs’ Iran, Land of Death" strongly condemned the on going violations of human rights by the mullah’s regime, particularly the recent public hangings in Iran.

A statement was signed at the end of conference supporting the call by the President-elect of the National Council of Resistance of Iran, Mrs. Maryam Rajavi, on the international community to adopt urgent measures to stop the executions in Iran, and declaring their solidarity with the Iranian Resistance.

NCRI – On Friday, political and human rights dignitaries in a press conference entitled "Mullahs’ Iran, Land of Death" strongly condemned the on going violations of human rights by the mullah’s regime, particularly the recent public hangings in Iran.
A statement was signed at the end of conference supporting the call by the President-elect of the National Council of Resistance of Iran, Mrs. Maryam Rajavi, on the international community to adopt urgent measures to stop the executions in Iran, and declaring their solidarity with the Iranian Resistance.
The statement reads in part : Call on the international community to table a resolution at the current session of the United Nations General Assembly explicitly and decisively condemning the violation of the Iranian people’s fundamental human rights by the mullahs’ regime, and to adopt urgent measures to halt the recent wave of executions in Iran.
The conference was chaired by Mr. Gilles Paruelle, lawyer and the former President of the Bar Association in Val d’Oise. He described the new wave of executions and degrading punishments under the mullahs’ rule as unbelievable and “unbearable,” saying that the media coverage on these events has not been sufficient. Such a situation encompassing detentions, hangings, stoning, amputations, etc. cannot be found anywhere else, it is as if we have traveled back in time to the Middle Ages.
The audience at the Conference were deeply shocked by a video clip viewed at the Conference displaying the hangings which have recently been broadcast in Iran.
Pierre Bercis, president of New Human Rights, said, “I was shocked by watching these scenes … I would ask the Iranian Resistance to publish the names of the henchmen so that they would  know that one day they will be tried, even though today they wear masks to hide their identities. The savagery under the mullahs’ rule must be demonstrated to all the world. We pay tribute to the victims, and to the PMOI, who have courageously announced that they would ban hangings in Iran.”
Dr. Saleh Rajavi, representative of the National Council of Resistance of Iran (NCRI) in France, mentioned the increase of hangings by the mullahs’ dictatorship and added: After the overthrow of the mullahs’ dictatorship, an Iran led by Maryam Rajavi, President-elect of the Resistance, who has consistently defended the end of capital punishment in Iran, will be a safe and tolerant country.
Jean Pierre Berart, member of French Parliament, said: We fought against the fascisms of the Nazis, Mussolini, and Franco, and protected the people from these dictatorships. All this was carried out because of our respect for the underlying principles to which we adhere. The international community has recognized the right to resist. This is a legitimate resistance, which has also been recognized in the December 10, 1947 Universal Declaration of Human Rights at the United Nations. We must identify and increase efforts for helping the Iranian Resistance, and not place it in the terrorist list … We must increase support for the Iranian Resistance at the French Parliament, and encourage domestic resistance in Iran. The Iranian Resistance and the People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI) have the ability to overthrow this regime. The Iranian people have decided to stand up and resist the regime.
Bishop Jacques Gaillot, renowned French human rights activist, said: Our goal must be the removal of the terrorist label from the legitimate and just Iranian Resistance, since this label has enchained the Resistance.
Bishop Gaillot mentioned the overlooking of human rights violations in favour of economic interests, and said: We must heed Mrs. Maryam Rajavi’s question from the European leaders, Why do you bow to this regime for economic interests?
Daniel Jackoby, former president of International Federation for Human Rights and a renowned human rights activist in France, said: When I was the Federation’s president during the 1980s, I used to say that an international criminal court will be formed, and now that court has been established, but a country like Iran on account of its population has been a record holder for hangings. The regime henchmen must be held accountable for their crimes. These masks will not help the henchmen escape from justice. Such brutality is broadcast on TV, and these pictures are unbearable.
Mr. Jackoby added: Years ago I used to think that Franco’s dictatorship in Spain would never fall, but eventually it did. So, these crimes will end, but not through foreign intervention, but through the Iranian Resistance, which will lead Iran to the overthrow of the mullahs.
Ms. Anissa Boumedienne, lawyer, and wife of deceased Algerian President Houwari Boumedienne, was shocked by the mullahs’ crimes, and compared these crimes to the brutality of fundamentalists in Algeria. She added that the Iranian regime, which carries out such crimes, financially backs and supports fundamentalists in Algeria.
Ms. Boumedienne said: I am a lawyer and an Islamic scholar. What this regime is doing against women under the pretext of Islamic laws is a dark stain on Islam.
Mohammad-Reza Rowhani, chairman of the NCRI’s Minorities Committee, after pointing to the support of French lawyers for Iran’s freedom movements during the former Shah’s dictatorship, said: This regime does not even respect its own laws. The Iranian regime’s constitution, Article 35, deems the attendance of lawyers at criminal courts necessary.
Patrick Baudouin, honorary president of International Human Rights Federation, in addition to condemning the hangings in Iran, said: The behavior of the Iranian regime has placed it as the worst compared to other regimes. Such brutal hangings must cease especially because these are used to consolidate political power through the proliferation of intimidation and terror in society. He called on the French government to support those in Iran who work towards the eradication of such behaviour.
Mr. Gilles Paruelle read out the final statement of the Paris Conference condemning human rights abuses in Iran. In this statements, in addition to supporting the calls of the Iranian Resistance’s President-elect on the international community to take immediate steps to stop hangings in Iran, signatories also reiterated support for a resolution to be passed at the current session of the United Nations General Assembly explicitly and decisively condemning the violation of the Iranian people’s fundamental human rights by the mullahs’ regime, and to adopt urgent measures to halt the recent wave of executions in Iran.

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