Sunday, July 21, 2024

Iran Opposition & Resistance

The National Council of Resistance of Iran, and the People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI-MEK), as the council’s main constituent, have extensive activities inside and outside Iran. NCRI receives and disseminates news from inside Iran, including the latest information about Iran’s events, including protests by the Iranian people.

This section of the NCRI website reflects topics about these activities inside and outside Iran, which includes:

  • News of resistance inside Iran.
  • News about international support for the Iranian resistance.
  • Monitoring government-controlled media and press and reflecting the internal situation of the regime quoted by state media.
  • Revealing and covering the news of the regime’s nuclear programs, missile projects, and terrorist activities.
  • Revealing and reflecting the methods of the regime’s psychological warfare against the resistance and the regime’s satanic campaign against the Iranian resistance.
  • Reflecting the news related to the protests of different strata of the Iranian people.
  • Reflection of news related to the uprising in Iran and the explosive situation of Iranian society.
  • Provide live coverage of resistance meetings and gatherings around the world and posting reports about the speeches of participants in these meetings.
  • Provide the latest stories and reviews on the regime’s latest internal economic, social, and political situation.
British MP Bob Blackman 1

NCRI FAC Interview with British MP Bob Blackman on Iran’s Uprising

On January 24, 2023, the National Council of Resistance of Iran's Foreign Affairs Committee conducted an interview with Bob Blackman, a Conservative member of...
Mrs. rajavi and MEPs2023

MEPs Support Iran’s Uprising and Resistance, Urge the EU To Adopt a Firm Policy

On Wednesday, the Friends of Free Iran (FOFI) inter-parliamentary group in the European Parliament held a conference in solidarity with the Iranian people’s uprising...

Iran’s Authorities Rant About MEK for “Setting Precedent” of Blacklisting IRGC 

The European Parliament passed a resolution urging the European Union Member States to blacklist the Iranian regime’s Revolutionary Guards (IRGC) for its role in...
michael rubin ncri activism uprising

Michael Rubin’s MEK-Bashing Serves Iran’s Ruling Tyrants

In a commentary published in Townhall on January 24, Ali Safavi of NCRI's Foreign Affairs Committee rebutted the latest diatribe by Michael Rubin, his...
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Selling a Dead Horse: Reza Pahlavi’s Bid to Market a Trashed Dictatorship

As Iran’s nationwide uprising, now in its fifth month, threatens to topple the medieval ruling tyranny, Reza Pahlavi, the son of the deposed dictator...
IRGC's Terror Designation by US Could Hurt Iran's Economy

Iran’s Regime Goes Ballistic Over IRGC’s Possible Terrorist Designation

The European Parliament passed a resolution urging the European Union to designate the Iranian regime’s Revolutionary Guards (IRGC) as a terrorist organization. This unprecedented...
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Iran Opposition Satellite TV, Simaye-e Azadi, Held Its 27th Telethon

On January 13, Simay-e Azadi, or INTV, an Iranian opposition satellite channel, held its 27th telethon, which lasted until January 18. Despite hundreds of...
UK House of Commons 13012023

UK House of Commons Calls on Gov to Proscribe IRGC and Support Iran Uprising

On January 12, following a parliamentary debate at the British House of Commons, members of the parliament unanimously and in a cross-party fashion, passing...
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Debate in UK House of Commons on Iran’s Protests 

  On Thursday January 12, the United Kingdom’s House of Commons held a parliamentary debate on the current situation in Iran, discussing policy options in...

Threatening a Hostage With Lashes, 40 Years in Prison, Mullahs’ Dirty, Inhumane Blackmail To...

·        The Belgian government must neutralize mullahs’ ploy and secure the well-being and safety of Olivier Vandecasteele by announcing that it will try Khamenei in...