Sunday, July 21, 2024

Iran Opposition & Resistance

The National Council of Resistance of Iran, and the People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI-MEK), as the council’s main constituent, have extensive activities inside and outside Iran. NCRI receives and disseminates news from inside Iran, including the latest information about Iran’s events, including protests by the Iranian people.

This section of the NCRI website reflects topics about these activities inside and outside Iran, which includes:

  • News of resistance inside Iran.
  • News about international support for the Iranian resistance.
  • Monitoring government-controlled media and press and reflecting the internal situation of the regime quoted by state media.
  • Revealing and covering the news of the regime’s nuclear programs, missile projects, and terrorist activities.
  • Revealing and reflecting the methods of the regime’s psychological warfare against the resistance and the regime’s satanic campaign against the Iranian resistance.
  • Reflecting the news related to the protests of different strata of the Iranian people.
  • Reflection of news related to the uprising in Iran and the explosive situation of Iranian society.
  • Provide live coverage of resistance meetings and gatherings around the world and posting reports about the speeches of participants in these meetings.
  • Provide the latest stories and reviews on the regime’s latest internal economic, social, and political situation.
ncri conference canada ambassador bloomfield 1

Amb. Lincoln Bloomfield Jr. Rejects Decades of Iran Regime’s Propaganda Against the MEK

On Saturday, Ambassador Lincoln Bloomfield Jr, an American diplomat, and Assistant Secretary of State for Political and Military Affairs addressed a bi-partisan conference in...

Tony Clement Speaks of a Near Bright Future for Iran

“I know that these are terrible times in Iran that people are risking their lives every single day in hundreds of communities for a...
ncri conference canada Michael Cooper

Canadian MP Michael Cooper Urges Trudeau Government to Proscribe IRGC

  “The regime has to go, and it has to go now. The response from the regime has been horrific. It's been brutal. But it's...
John Baird

John Baird: Iran Uprising is Deeply Rooted in 43 Years of Resistance

 “The leading role of Iranian women is not incidental or coincidence, but it derives from the struggle of Iranian women over the last 43...
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Iranian Communities’ Summit in Canada Marks the anniversary of 1979 Anti-Monarchic Revolution

Today, Canadian lawmakers, senior U.S. personalities, and former Canadian government officials voice support for Iran's Resistance and the nationwide uprising on the anniversary of...
iran irgc bob blackman hossein abedini

NCRI’s Latest Revelations in the UK Underline Necessity to Proscribe IRGC 

On February 2, the National Council of Resistance of Iran (NCRI) Representative office in the United Kingdom held a press conference, revealing a document...
iran raisi khamenei uprising qalibaf

As Iran Protests Persist, Cracks Appear in Khamenei’s ‘Consolidated’ Regime  

In a more defiant, radical, and daring fashion, Iran's nationwide uprising continues despite the regime's heavy crackdown. Religious congregations and burial ceremonies turn into...
uk parliament jim shannon baroness liz redfern

British Lawmakers and Anglo Iranians Urge UK to Support Iran Protests and Resistance

  Anglo-Iranian organizations, held a meeting in the United Kingdom’s parliament, discussing the current uprising and Iran. This event was attended by some British lawmakers,...
Committee of Arab Islamic Solidarity with the Iranian Resistance" (CAISIR) organized a conference in Brussels

Arab-Islamic Conference In Support of Iran’s Revolution and Resistance

As part of its solidarity with the Iranian people's resistance and uprising, the "Committee of Arab Islamic Solidarity with the Iranian Resistance" (CAISIR) hosted...
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“Iran’s Democratic Revolution”; ISJ Conference at European Parliament 

On Wednesday, the International Committee in Search of Justice (ISJ) held a conference introducing its latest book, “Iran’s Democratic Revolution.” The event was attended...