Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Iran Opposition & Resistance

The National Council of Resistance of Iran, and the People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI-MEK), as the council’s main constituent, have extensive activities inside and outside Iran. NCRI receives and disseminates news from inside Iran, including the latest information about Iran’s events, including protests by the Iranian people.

This section of the NCRI website reflects topics about these activities inside and outside Iran, which includes:

  • News of resistance inside Iran.
  • News about international support for the Iranian resistance.
  • Monitoring government-controlled media and press and reflecting the internal situation of the regime quoted by state media.
  • Revealing and covering the news of the regime’s nuclear programs, missile projects, and terrorist activities.
  • Revealing and reflecting the methods of the regime’s psychological warfare against the resistance and the regime’s satanic campaign against the Iranian resistance.
  • Reflecting the news related to the protests of different strata of the Iranian people.
  • Reflection of news related to the uprising in Iran and the explosive situation of Iranian society.
  • Provide live coverage of resistance meetings and gatherings around the world and posting reports about the speeches of participants in these meetings.
  • Provide the latest stories and reviews on the regime’s latest internal economic, social, and political situation.

Dr. Alejo Vidal-Quadras: How Many Wars Must Iran’s Regime Wage for the West to...

Berlin, June 29 — Simultaneous with the Free Iran 2024 World Summit in Paris, Dr. Alejo Vidal-Quadras, former Vice President of the European Parliament...

Unity in Diversity: Global Leaders Rally Behind NCRI as Iran’s Democratic Alternative

The Free Iran World Summit 2024 brought together prominent political figures from around the world to discuss the future of Iran and the alternative...
Former Belgian PM and MEP Guy Verhofstadt gave a speech in support of the Iranian people and their Organized Resistance (NCRI and PMOI) led by Mrs. Maryam Rajavi for a free, democratic, non-nuclear republic of Iran.

Former Belgian Prime Minister Guy Verhofstadt Calls for Bold New EU Strategy on Iran

Paris, June 29 — At the Free Iran 2024 World Summit, former Belgian Prime Minister and Member of the European Parliament Guy Verhofstadt delivered...
Sen. Robert Torricelli 1

Former US Senator Robert Torricelli: Iranian People Themselves Are the Alternative

Berlin, June 29 — Simultaneous with the Free Iran 2024 World Summit in Paris, former US Senator Robert Torricelli passionately addressed the grand rally...
uk prime minister liz truss (1)

Former British PM Liz Truss: Free Iran 2024 World Summit Holds Global Importance

Paris, June 29 — At the Free Iran 2024 World Summit in Paris, former British Prime Minister Liz Truss emphasized the crucial role of...

US Senators Shaheen and Tillis: Free Iran 2024 World Summit Arrives at a Critical...

Paris, June 29 — Speaking through a video message at the Free Iran 2024 World Summit, U.S. Senators Jeanne Shaheen (D) and Thom Tillis...
Ukrainian MP Kira Rudik gave a speech in support of the Iranian people and their Organized Resistance (NCRI/PMOI) led by Mrs. Maryam Rajavi for a free, democratic, non-nuclear republic of Iran.

Ukrainian MP Kira Rudik: Iranian Resistance’s Victory Helps Us Win the Fight

Paris, June 29 — At the Free Iran 2024 World Summit in Paris, Ukrainian MP and leader of the political party Golos, Kira Rudik, underscored...
Baroness O’Loan gave a speech in support of the Iranian people and their Organized Resistance (NCRI/PMOI) led by Mrs. Maryam Rajavi for a free, democratic, non-nuclear republic of Iran.

Baroness O’Loan Calls for Stronger UK and European Policies against Iran’s Regime

Paris, June 29 — At the Free Iran 2024 World Summit, Baroness O'Loan, a member of the UK House of Lords, emphasized the crucial...
Former French Minister Michèle Alliot-Marie gave a speech in support of the Iranian people and their Organized Resistance (NCRI and PMOI) led by Mrs. Maryam Rajavi for a free, democratic, non-nuclear republic of Iran.

Former French Minister Michèle Alliot-Marie Highlights Regime’s Deteriorating Situation at Free Iran 2024 World...

Paris, June 29 — At the Free Iran 2024 World Summit, former French Minister of Foreign Affairs and Defense Michèle Alliot-Marie delivered a powerful...
Former Colombian Senator and Presidential Candidate Ingrid Betancourt gave a speech in support of the Iranian people and their Organized Resistance (NCRI/PMOI) led by Mrs. Maryam Rajavi for a free, democratic, non-nuclear republic of Iran.

Former Colombian Senator Ingrid Betancourt: Iranian Regime’s Efforts Against MEK Have Failed

On June 29, at the Free Iran 2024 World Summit held in Paris, France, former Colombian Senator Ingrid Betancourt delivered a powerful speech, asserting...