Saturday, July 20, 2024

Iran Opposition & Resistance

The National Council of Resistance of Iran, and the People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI-MEK), as the council’s main constituent, have extensive activities inside and outside Iran. NCRI receives and disseminates news from inside Iran, including the latest information about Iran’s events, including protests by the Iranian people.

This section of the NCRI website reflects topics about these activities inside and outside Iran, which includes:

  • News of resistance inside Iran.
  • News about international support for the Iranian resistance.
  • Monitoring government-controlled media and press and reflecting the internal situation of the regime quoted by state media.
  • Revealing and covering the news of the regime’s nuclear programs, missile projects, and terrorist activities.
  • Revealing and reflecting the methods of the regime’s psychological warfare against the resistance and the regime’s satanic campaign against the Iranian resistance.
  • Reflecting the news related to the protests of different strata of the Iranian people.
  • Reflection of news related to the uprising in Iran and the explosive situation of Iranian society.
  • Provide live coverage of resistance meetings and gatherings around the world and posting reports about the speeches of participants in these meetings.
  • Provide the latest stories and reviews on the regime’s latest internal economic, social, and political situation.

The third option provides a genuine alternative to the regime of terror in Iran...

NCRI - "I accept Mrs. Rajavi's challenge and I call upon my government and the EU as a whole to embrace Mrs. Maryam Rajavi...
According to the latest news from the Lordegan residents, the Iranian regime has stationed tanks at the entrance of the town, and its agents constantly patrol the area. The regime is frightened of a possible uprising, and officials have warned that the main Iranian opposition group People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI, Mujahedin-e Khalq or MEK) is behind the protests.

Update on Lordegan Protests: Iran Regime Confirms MEK’s Leading Role

According to the latest news from the Lordegan residents, the Iranian regime has stationed tanks at the entrance of the town, and its agents...