Thursday, July 18, 2024

Iran Opposition & Resistance

The National Council of Resistance of Iran, and the People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI-MEK), as the council’s main constituent, have extensive activities inside and outside Iran. NCRI receives and disseminates news from inside Iran, including the latest information about Iran’s events, including protests by the Iranian people.

This section of the NCRI website reflects topics about these activities inside and outside Iran, which includes:

  • News of resistance inside Iran.
  • News about international support for the Iranian resistance.
  • Monitoring government-controlled media and press and reflecting the internal situation of the regime quoted by state media.
  • Revealing and covering the news of the regime’s nuclear programs, missile projects, and terrorist activities.
  • Revealing and reflecting the methods of the regime’s psychological warfare against the resistance and the regime’s satanic campaign against the Iranian resistance.
  • Reflecting the news related to the protests of different strata of the Iranian people.
  • Reflection of news related to the uprising in Iran and the explosive situation of Iranian society.
  • Provide live coverage of resistance meetings and gatherings around the world and posting reports about the speeches of participants in these meetings.
  • Provide the latest stories and reviews on the regime’s latest internal economic, social, and political situation.

“US Middle East policy suffers from fundamental weaknesses”

NCRI - The recently revealed diplomatic cables reveal that US policy towards the Middle East suffers from fundamental weaknesses, a London-based Arab daily...

New attempts by the Quds Force to stir more violence in Iraq

By: Reza ShafaRecently, there have been a series of high-level meetings of the Iranian Revolutionary Guard Crops (IRGC) subordinate the Quds Force commanders in...
Europe should support Iranian Resistance, not the Regime

Europe should support Iranian Resistance, not the Regime

Support for the Iranian resistance group, the People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI/MEK), and for a “maximum pressure” campaign on the Iranian Regime is...

Marian Harkin MEP supports Maryam Rajavi’s 10-point plan for Iran

NCRI - Marian Harkin, an Irish Member of the European Parliament, has expressed her concerns over human rights abuses in Iran via a video...

Patricija Šulin MEP supports Iranian women’s struggle for freedom

NCRI - Patricija Šulin, a Member of the European Parliament from Slovenia, has sent a message of support to Iranian women who are fighting...

Online Q&A Session on Camp Liberty, Iranian regime’s Human Rights abuses

Online Q&A Session on Camp Liberty, Iranian regime's Human Rights abuses & Call for a Firm Policy Towards Iran Thursday, September 3, 5p-6pm Central European Time...
Alireza Jafarzadeh

Shunned in Rome, Ahmadinejad Bullies and Blusters

By Alireza JafarzadehSource: FoxNewsScore one for the Italians. Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, the thug par-excellence president of the ayatollahs’ regime in Iran, has been shunned by...

100 Iranian-American Academics, Scholars, Scientists and Professionals Urge Congress To Stand Firm Against Iran...

One hundred Iranian-American academics, scholars, scientists and professionals urged Congressional leaders to exercise firmness against Iran’s theocratic regime. Voicing their “strongest...

In Four Corners of the World, Iranians Call for Freedom and Democracy

Iran’s nationwide uprising continues despite the regime’s heavy crackdown and killing of over 550 protesters. Initially sparked following the tragic murder of a Kurdish...
Ingrid Holzhüter

German group calls for protection of Iranian Mojahedin in Iraq

NCRI - Ingrid Holzhüter, President of the German Solidarity Committee for a free Iran (DSFI) and former member of The German parliament, Bundestag, called...