Outrage at Iran regime’s bombing of water pipelines spread

Outrage at Iran regime's bombing of water pipelines spreadNCRI – Following the explosion of water pipelines on July 21 by terrorists dispatched by the clerical regime supplying water to Ashraf City in Iraq, growing number of organizations and international figures as well as Iranians across the world raised their outrage and condemned the abhorrent terrorist act.

The bombing of water pipelines took place for the second time in three days cutting off water supply to thousands of PMOI members residing in Ashraf City, north of Baghdad. This happens in the 50-degree heat of summer in Iraq.

Cutting off water is an abhorrent, cowardly and inhumane act which is considered as a war crime under the Geneva Conventions.

Hundreds of parliamentarians, jurists, and political personalities in Iraq, Europe, the United States, Canada and Australia, have written to the Iraqi Prime Minister, U.S. officials and relevant international agencies or have issued statements, in which they underscored the need to uphold international conventions and laws regarding the situation of the People’s Mojahedin in Iraq. They also emphatically reminded such officials of their responsibility to ensure the safety and security of PMOI members in Ashraf City.

Iranians residing in Düsseldorf held a protest rally in front of the US consulate on Tuesday to condemn mullahs’ meddling in Iraq and their threats to the security in that country specially against its main opposition based in Ashraf City. Participants in the rally also called on the Multi-National Forces and the Iraqi authorities to guarantee safety and security of the PMOI members in Iraq.

At the end of the rally a declaration was adopted by all participants which was delivered by a delegation to the US consulate.

Some of the banners in the rally called for removal of the PMOI from the terror list which was done as part of the policy of appeasement of the clerical regime.

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