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HomeIran News NowIran Opposition & ResistanceOnly a regime change will prevent Iranian nuclear bomb, says opposition

Only a regime change will prevent Iranian nuclear bomb, says opposition

EFE (Spanish News Agency) International • February 11, 2012

The president of the opposition National Council of Resistance of Iran (NCRI) Maryam Rajavi claimed that her coalition provisional government is an alternative to the government of the Ayatollahs

Paris  – The president of the opposition National Council of Resistance of Iran (NCRI) Maryam Rajavi warned in Paris that only a regime change will prevent Iran from acquiring nuclear weapons and presented her coalition provisional government as the alternative to government of the Ayatollah.


In a statement released in the Gallic capital, where it is based, Rajavi emphasized that the NCRI and its pivotal force, the Mojahedin, are well trained and equipped to facilitate the change. “Sanctions are an essential element in a firm policy against the regime (but) the sanctions alone cannot prevent this regime from obtaining nuclear weapons,” she said.

The only way out is “a democratic change in Iran carried out by the people and the organized resistance,” she said, while emphasizing that that both the NCRI and the Mojahedin “are the main opposition because they are well organized, have a cohesive provisional government structure and a broad social base. “

“Recognize that resistance is a necessity to ensure peace and tranquility in the region and the world,” argued the opposition during an event organized to celebrate the 33 anniversary of the revolution that overthrew the monarchy in Iran.
According to the president of the NCRI, Iran’s race to acquire the atomic bomb is just a an attempt to prolong its rule, similar to its strategy of “exporting terrorism and fundamentalism.”

Specifically, she discussed four major dilemmas faced by the Iranian authorities for months: the collapse of the economy, social unrest, changes in regional balances especially the revolts in Syria, and the power struggle at the highest levels of the regime.

On the other hand, Rajavi demanded security guarantees for the members of Mojahedin in Camp Ashraf in Iraq and a safe transfer to Camp Liberty.

These safeguards include requirements such as absence of police presence inside the camp, freedom of movement of refugees and a minimum area for residents, she said, because in her opinion, the main objective of the Iraqi government is making the space in Camp Liberty like “a prison.”

In the Paris meeting, there were several international personalities, including the former officials of various U.S. administrations including the former Secretary of Energy Spencer Abraham, the White House Chief of Staff  of Andrew Card, and the former US Ambassador the UN, Bill Richardson.

Also present were former Prime Minister John Burton Irish and the French ex-minister of Foreign Affairs, Philippe Douste-Blazy.

(Translated from EFE Spanish Language News)