On the Anniversary of the Ukrainian Passenger Plane Downing, MEK Supporters Demonstrated in Canada, U.S and Australia


Today, January 7, the freedom-loving Iranians in the United States and Canada gathered on the third anniversary of the deliberate downing of a passenger jet by the Revolutionary Guards (IRGC). These rallies were held simultaneously today by the supporters of the People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI/MEK) and the National Council of Resistance of Iran (NCRI) in 14 cities in the U.S., Canada, and Europe.  

During their protests in Toronto, Vancouver, Washington D.C., Utah, and Sydney the MEK and NCRI supporters echoed the voices of their risen compatriots, who have continued their glorious uprising despite the regime’s heavy quash. Members of the Iranian diaspora vowed to continue supporting their compatriots inside Iran and their determination to establish a democratic country by chanting slogans such as “Death to the oppression, be it Shah or [supreme] leader.”  

Protesters also paid tribute to two young protesters, Seyed Mohammad Hosseini and Mohammad Mehdi Karami, who was executed at dawn on January 7.  The two martyrs were arrested during the nationwide uprising and tortured to make false confessions. They were hanged today after receiving an unfair trial.  

The protests also admired and supported the brave MEK’s “Resistance Units,” who have been acting as the trailblazers of the incessant uprising.  

The members of the Iranian diaspora also honored the memories of 176 innocent of the PS752 flight downed by the IRGC in 2020, nearly 750 martyrs of the ongoing uprising, over 30,000 political prisoners massacred in the summer of 1988, and 1500 victims of the nationwide Iran protests in November 2019.  

They also urged the international community to hold criminals ruling Iran accountable and underlined that the regime’s supreme leader Ali Khamenei, the Revolutionary Guards (IRGC) commanders, judiciary officials, and members of the clerical regime’s Security Council must be prosecuted.  



The nationwide Iran uprising began in September 2022 following the tragic murder of Mahsa Amini, a Young Kurdish girl in police custody in Tehran. Protests soon became political, with people targeting the entire regime and the disastrous policies. Despite the regime’s efforts to quash demonstrations, what many consider Iran’s democratic revolution persists. This shows a nation’s unwavering determination for change and also indicates that these protests are organized. The latter fact is largely attributed to the endeavors of the MEK’s “Resistance Units” network, which acts as the uprising’s major driving force.  

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