On the anniversary of July 9 student-led uprising, university students and people stage protest

NCRI –  Tehran staged protests On the 11th anniversary of July 9 student-led uprising, university students and people in Tehran staged protests in front of the University of Tehran and the dormitory with chants of “death to dictator” and “honorable Iranian, support us, support us.”

According to obtained reports, the first group of students started chanting “death to dictator” at around 19:00 local time in front of the dormitory, and subsequently more students joined them.

Protests spread to the surrounding areas of the University of Tehran, including Nosrat Street. The regime’s suppressive forces, especially plainclothes agents, who had been stationed in front of the campus and surrounding streets previously, attempted to prevent the formation of gatherings and chants. More than 200 plainclothes agents had assembled at the main gate alone.

According to obtained reports, unlike previous occasions, the clerical regime had increased the number of plainclothes agents considerably compared to its regular forces in order to give the impression that the situation is normal. State Security Forces (SSF) and anti-riot forces were only stationed in specific locations and were on alert.

Additionally, a chopper hovered over the area in order to monitor the area and create an atmosphere of fear. The regime, which is clearly fearful of rising protests, had brought a large number of its agents even in minor streets like Fakhr Razi to prevent the formation of demonstrations.

On the other hand, protestors assembled in groups of 20-30 people at various distances and confronted the regime’s agents.

One of the political prisoners and student activists, Majid Tavakoli, sent out a message from prison on the occasion of July 9, calling on students to continue their struggle against the clerical dictatorship.

In a part of his letter, Tavakoli says, “July 9 can be our starting point to look into the past and strengthen our resolve to quickly implement a big change. We will carry out our duty. We know that we are students and we want to keep our honor and pride. We can start this at any place.”

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