NY protests against Ahmadinejad receives Arab TV coverage

NCRI – Arabic TV channels on Tuesday broadcast reports about protests by Iranian Resistance supporters in New York against the presence of Mahmoud Ahmadinejad.

According to Aljazeera, Iranians staged a gathering in front of Ahmadinejad’s hotel, holding placards and chanting against Ahmadinejad and his actions. The news network added that the protestors were Iranian opposition supporters who say that Ahmadinejad is a dictator and commits human rights violations. NCRI – Arabic TV channels on Tuesday broadcast reports about protests by Iranian Resistance supporters in New York against the presence of Mahmoud Ahmadinejad.

According to Aljazeera, Iranians staged a gathering in front of Ahmadinejad’s hotel, holding placards and chanting against Ahmadinejad and his actions. The news network added that the protestors were Iranian opposition supporters who say that Ahmadinejad is a dictator and commits human rights violations.

Alfiha TV also reported, “Iranian protestors gathered in front of the UN headquarters in New York and condemned Ahmadinejad’s presence at the General Assembly.

They carried placards against Ahmadinejad, and said the gathering is a prelude to a much larger rally to be held on Thursday.”

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