No to Ahmadinejad, yes to democracy in Iran

NCRI – Iranians and supporters of the Iranian Resistance in Gothenburg, Sweden, staged a demonstration on Thursday to condemn Ahmadinejad’s recent terrorizing comments and clerical regime’s meddling in Iraq.

Demonstrators were particularly concerned over the threats posed by the Iranian regime’s agents in Iraq against Camp Ashraf, where members of the People’s Mojahedin of Iran, main Iranian opposition, are residing.
Representative of the Swedish association in defense of refugees supported the aims of the demonstration and called on the government to take a firm stance against the Iranian regime.  
The association of Iranian youth also joined the protest and endorsed the resolution adopted by the participants in the rally. The resolution called for referral of the clerical regime’s nuclear file to the UN Security Council and immediate removal of the unjust terror label against the PMOI by the EU.

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