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HomeIran News NowIran Opposition & ResistanceNews Report: 38th day of London Protest by Iranians

News Report: 38th day of London Protest by Iranians

NCRI – For the 38th day, on Thursday May 17th, supporters of Iranian Resistance and Iranians residing in London gathered in front of the British Foreign Ministry to protest the decision made by the Council of EU Ministers to keep PMOI in the terror list contrary to the verdict of the European High court. 

The slogans of the Iranian protestors condemning the violation of laws and justice by the British government drew the attention of passersby. Many of them supported the objectives of the protest and encouraged Iranians to continue their dissent.

Ms. Elizabeth Sidney, the president of International Federation of Women against Fundamentalism and director of the International Network of Liberal Democrat Women in the U.K. spoke in this gathering. She thanked those participating in this extended protest. Ms. Sidney talked about the history of adding PMOI in the Europe’s terrorist list and described the political connotations of this decision which were false and inaccurate.
Ms. Elizabeth Sidney inquired from the British government: Your illegal action not accepting the verdict of the European court to remove PMOI from the terror list is not only against the will and resolve of the Iranian people in their pursuit of democracy but also against peace, stability and security in the Middle East and in the world because you are giving the green light to a dangerous regime.

The next speaker was Mr. Hamid Assadian, a member of the National Council of Resistance of Iran (NCRI). He said: “The 38 days of this protest carries two different messages, one message for us on this side of the street and a different one for those on the other side of the street.  The point for us is the fact that even if these 38 days continue onto 38 months or 38 years, we still survive and carry on with aspirations of our people. But the message for the other side of the streets is to shy away from the policy of taking part in suppressing the resistance of a nation, the policy that has only resulted in producing real criminals and terrorists.”

At the end of the demonstration, the protestor’s resolution was read by Ms. Leila Jazayeri, the director of Society of Iranian Women in Britain. Family members of the fallen Mojahedin and the families of freedom-seeking Mojahedin residing in Ashraf handed a copy of the resolution to a British Foreign Ministry official.

The local British news agency, Press Association in a report entitled: The Iranian’s protest enters its 38th week, wrote: Three generations of Iranian-British who live in Britain began their effort in March asking the British government to respect the verdict of the EU Court of Justice and remove PMOI from the terror list.
The protestors have declared that they will continue their demonstration indefinitely until their demands are met.
Press Association continued: A resolution and a petition handed to Foreign Ministry specify that “removing the terror label carries a clear message for the Iranian people and that is: the West supports them in their aspirations for democratic change.”