New Threat by Iran Regime’s Diplomat-Terrorist Requires Firm EU Response


Reuters reported on Friday that the Iranian regime’s diplomat-terrorist Assadollah Assadi has threatened Belgian authorities with further terrorist attacks if he is found guilty of trying to bomb the Iranian Resistance’s 2018 Free Iran rally in Paris. These threats underline the necessity of taking firm action against the mullahs’ terrorism and not giving in to their longtime terrorism extortion tactic.

“An Iranian diplomat charged in Belgium with planning to bomb a meeting of an exiled Iranian opposition group in France warned authorities of possible retaliation by unidentified groups if he is found guilty, according to a police document,” read the Reuters report. According to Reuters, Assadi “warned Belgian authorities that his case was being closely watched by undisclosed groups in Iran and neighboring countries.”

Assadi made this threat even though he was arrested after personally handing over 500 grams of TATP explosive to two other terrorist operatives in Belgium, who were later arrested. Reports indicate Assadi had even used its diplomatic cover, as the third counsellor at Iran’s embassy in Vienna, to transfer the explosives using a civilian airplane. Assadi is the first diplomat to face trial on terrorism charges in Europe.

Reuters report reads, “Minutes of a March 12 meeting between Assadi and Belgian police, seen by Reuters and confirmed as authentic by his lawyer, show the diplomat initially set out Tehran’s long-standing grievances with the MEK’s activities in the past”.

Assadi’s threats, and the foiled bombing plot itself, once again confirm the terrorist nature of the mullahs’ regime and that all the regime’s top authorities are involved in terrorism.
The Iranian regime has been using terrorism as a blackmailing tool to force western governments to achieve its goals. Succumbing to the regime’s demands will only embolden it to pursue its terrorism abroad.

In this regard, Mrs. Maryam Rajavi, the Iranian opposition president-elect, said: “Why has the regime become so emboldened to engage one of their diplomats directly in a terrorist operation? One reason is that the regime is desperate in the face of the Iranian people’s protests and the significant role of the Iranian Resistance in the uprisings. But another reason is that the regime was confident that it would not pay any price for committing such major terrorist crime in the heart of Europe, due to the ongoing policy of appeasement.”
On Wednesday, during an online conference held by the National Council of Resistance of Iran (NCRI), dozens of Members of the European Parliament called for a firm policy toward the Iranian regime.

Stanislav Polčák, MEP from the Czech Republic, during the Wednesday conference, said: “Many of the regime’s so-called diplomats have been engaged in terrorist plots and were always able to get away with their crimes. But now, for the first time in the field of terrorism, its diplomat has been arrested and will soon be tried in Brussels. This is not just the trial of an individual, but the trial of a regime. The diplomat who prepares such a terrorist operation at a country’s embassy in Europe works under the Foreign Minister, and the Foreign Minister is under the President, and all work under [regime Supreme Leader Ali] Khamenei.”


Following the major Iran protests in 2018, the Iranian regime, seeing its looming downfall, increased its terrorist activities against the Iranian opposition abroad. In June 2018, the mullahs’ diplomat-terrorist Assadi and three other terrorists tried to bomb the annual “Free Iran” gathering of the NCRI in Paris, France. European security services arrested all four terrorists before their operation was carried out.

The Iranian regime has been using its embassies across Europe for terrorism and espionage. The assassination of Professor Kazem Rajavi, the NCRI’s representative in Switzerland, by terrorists holding diplomatic passports is a testament to the involvement of the regime’s embassies in terrorism and espionage.

Holding the Iranian regime to account and convicting Assadi will be the first step in Europe for combatting the regime’s terrorism. European countries should close down the regime’s embassies and expel the regime’s agents from their soil.

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