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NCRI Webinar: Reimposing UN Security Sanctions on Iran’s Regime

NCRI Webinar: Reimposing Un Security Sanctions on Iran’s Regime
The NCRI holds online event discussing the imperative to restore UN sanctions on the mullahs’ regime ruling Iran – August 26, 2020

The National Council of Resistance of Iran (NCRI) Representative Office in the United States held a virtual conference on Wednesday over the Iranian regime’s terrorism, the need to reimpose all sanctions on the mullahs’ regime and the implications of any lifting of the United Nations arms embargo that expires on October 18. The event was attended by several renowned U.S. politicians and experts who highlighted that it is necessary to restore the full sweep of UN sanctions on the Iranian regime to control the regime’s malign activities

The NCRI-US also presented its new report, “Iran, The Imperative to Reimpose Sanctions.” 

This book highlights that, “As a reactionary and backward regime, the clerical dictatorship pursues domestic suppression, the export of terrorism and warmongering as core strategies to ensure its survival. The regime uses both weapons of mass destruction and conventional weaponry for suppression at home and terrorism abroad,thus, “if the regime were to be given the space and leniency to trade arms, then more conflicts and terrorism will spread in the region.”  

The first speaker and the moderator of this event was Mr. Alireza Jafarzadeh, Deputy Director of the NCRI U.S. Representative Office in Washington. While referring to the NCRI’s new report, he said: “The book looks at the modus operandi of the regimes velayat-e faqih system or the absolute rule of the clergy. In addition to the regular army, the regime has the Revolutionary Guards (IRGC) Quds Force, whose sole purpose is state-sponsored terrorism. It manufactures weapons and supplies its proxies with weapons. Providing this regime with arms will be feeding the mayhem created in the region.”  

“Terrorism is a cornerstone of the Iranian regime, for its survival. They are actively engaged in terrorism in different western countries. At a time when the Iranian regime needs Europe the most, they have stepped up their terror operations in Europe,” he added.  

The first panelist of this event was Ambassador Joseph Detrani, former Special Envoy for SixParty Talks with North Korea. “As we look at what’s going on in Iran right now, in Iran, one has to have significant empathy for the people going through the pandemic. Ever since we signed the JCPOA with Iran, hoping the unfrozen $50 billion would go to the people of Iran. But the theocracy continued with what we saw in the 1980s, the attacks on the Marines barracks in Beirut. That continues today in Iraq, Yemen, Lebanon, and Syria,” said Ambassador Detrani 

The people of Iran are the key issue here. The theocracy does not care for the people. That is where the focus needs to be. The international community must come together and say enough! Focus on good governance, responsible leadership, and care for your own people,he said.  


The next speaker of this event was Mike Pregent, a senior fellow at Hudson Institute and an expert on Middle East affairs. While referring to the necessity of creating a united front against the Iranian regime and its terrorism, Mr. Pregent said: “It is important to call out our allies and geopolitical foes who support a regime that destabilizes the region. For the first time, all sects in Iraq oppose Iran’s meddling. In Lebanon, the people protest against the Iranian regime. 

What we tend to forget is how many tens of thousands of innocent Iranians have been murdered by this regime to maintain its hold on power. I’m struck by the reality of what has taken place since President Trump decided to withdraw from the nuclear agreement,” said Ambassador Marc Ginsberg, former U.S. envoy to Morocco who spoke next.  

While referring to how the Iranian regime violated its 2015 nuclear deal with world powers and the mullahs’ race to obtain a nuclear bomb, Amb. Ginsberg said: Since the nuclear deal was signed, we saw case after case of terrorist attempts against Iranian opposition leaders. Regime agents were arrested on their way to bomb a gathering of the Iranian resistance in France. We cannot bet on the nuclear deal as an end-all to Iran’s bad behavior. We need a new alliance between the U.S. and Europe to support what the people need. We must support the Iranian opposition, the NCRI, and Madam Maryam Rajavi. We have to protect Iran’s adversaries, those who are being targeted in the region. Are we going to tell them a new deal will stop that? That is naive.”  

“We must target their terrorism financing. Let us agree that our policy must not provide Iran another window to continue their nuclear program. We must end the global nightmare that this government presents to the world,” he concluded.