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NCRI-US Online Conference: The Growing Threat From Iran’s Regime

NCRI-US Online Conference: The Growing Threat from Iran’s Regime
NCRI-US – Expert Panel Discuss the Growing Threat from Iran’s Regime

The National Council of Resistance of Iran’s United States Representative Office (NCRI-US) held a virtual conference, attended by renowned American politicians, entitled: “The Growing Threat from Iran’s Regime.”  

Speakers at thconference were: Under Secretary John Rood, former Undersecretary of Defense for Policy; Ambassador Robert Joseph, former Undersecretary of State for Arms Control and International Security; Ambassador Joseph DeTraniformer Director of National Counterproliferation Center and Special Adviser to the Director of National Intelligence;  Professor Olli Heinonen, a distinguished fellow at the Stimson Center, and former deputy director-general of the IAEA, and head of its Department of Safeguards; and Alireza Jafarzadeh, NCRI-US Deputy Director.

Panelists focused on subjects with regard to the Iranian regime and the threat it poses to the international community. Some of these subjects were: The expiring United Nations arms embargo on the Iranian regime, snapback of UN sanctions, the Iranian regime’s regional aggression, whether direct or through supporting proxy militias, its terrorism and assassination of dissidents abroadthe regime’s missile and nuclear program and its domestic oppression and crackdown on protests. 

Mr. Jafarzadeh, who was also the moderator of this webinar, started this event by referring to the COVID-19 crisis in Iran, which has so far, according to the People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI/MEK), claimed lives of over 49,000 people, and the regime’s attempts to exploit this pandemic to overshadow the Iranian people’s desire for regime change.

“The world is dealing with Covid19 pandemic and there is no exception the case of Iran, but there is a big difference; everywhere else the governments are united with the people to fight the Covid19, in the case of Iran, the regime is united with the Covid19 to fight the people. And that explains all the miseries, high number of casualties, the cover-ups, and how the regime is viewing Covid19, and perhaps as an opportunity to exploit to put a cover on the uprising. Also, use it as an opportunity to get concessions and help from the outside world. They asked from IMF 5 billion dollars, they are hoping to lift the sanctions on the Iranian regime under the cover of the Covid19.” Mr. Jafarzadeh said in his opening remarks. 

Under Secretary John Rood pointed to the threat of the Iranian regime, its use of proxy militias, particularly the Revolutionary Guards (IRGC) Quds Force using lethal action. He further elaborated on how to deter the Iranian regime in the region and stop its malign activitiesUnder Secretary Rood called the elimination of Qassem Soleimani, head of the regime’s Quds Force, and the mullahs’ terror mastermind as “extremely critical and important for deterrence,” of the regime’s activities. 

“What do we do with this situation? I think one important thing is to continue the maximum pressure campaign, to deplete and limit the ability of the regime to export its malign influence across the region. It would be more preferable if we saw a more multilateral approach in most of those sanctions. The US military forces are needed to work with the partners in the region to deter and take necessary steps like the strike on Soleimani. “ Under Secretary Rood said. 

While referring to the Iranian regime’s ongoing violation of Human rights, Ambassador Robert Joseph said that the Iranian regime has executed 100,000 people, including thousands last year. 

“The people of Iran are the first and foremost victims of this regime. They have suffered for over 40 years of brutal repression, including mass executions, more accurately called mass murders of more than one hundred thousand of their citizens. In the last year alone thousand have been gun downed in the streets or prisons when they dared to seek democracy and an end to the endemic corruption and pervasive incompetence of a regime that is failed its own people wherever and whenever in need, whether in massive floods, or the coronavirus.” Ambassador Joseph said.


Ambassador Detrani pointed to the 2015 Iran nuclear deal with world powers, formally known as the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA), its shortcomings, and how it would lead Iran to possess nuclear weapons. He said: “When I was working in government, I had responsibility for nonproliferation and counter-proliferation. Many of my colleagues were very instrumental in the drafting of the JCPOA and many of them were very surprised that I didn’t support JCPOA… what we were telling Iran is that within 15 years in 2031 you can spine as many as centrifuges as you want, you can enrich it at any level you want…”

Prof. Olli Heinonen referred to the regime’s deception and cover-up of its nuclear program to obtain a nuclear bomb and said: “Documents seized from Iran show the regime may have undeclared nuclear materials. A decision must be made to go hard on the regime because of Tehran’s non-compliance. Since 2002, the regime has never been in compliance with nuclear safeguards.”

